On the 9th day of Christmas, Shooting Stars Mag gave to me:
1. A $10 gift card to Borders!
I know most people are giving a book and I might throw one in there or something extra, but I think a lot of you will enjoy picking out your own book so I figured this would work! 🙂
Open To: U.S. only (sorry, but the Year’s Worth of Books Giveaway is International)
Ends: December 31st
Prize: $10 gift card to Borders
How to Enter: What is your New Year’s Resolution? (You MUST be a follower. This is a little treat for all those who support me…but you CAN become a new follower if you really like the blog and want to follow)
+1 if you post this somewhere (leave a NEW comment)
To find all the other giveaways and see who is next: http://12blogsofxmas.blogspot.com/
Thanks to Ellie for letting me help out.
Always love picking out my own book! My new year resolution is the same it always is to try and lose some weight..I have such a hard time with this one..lol
My new years resolution is *very cliche* hit the gym more! But besides that I'd like to hit the books more, I've been slacking lately:(
Great Giveaway!
I want to eat healthier and read 100 books in a year.
To get good grades 😀
My new years resolution is to write more and read more!
My New Year's resolution is to complete my current WIP. And then I can start sending out to agents. 🙂
+1 I posted this on Twitter. http://twitter.com/sophisti_katied/status/6870535272
Eh, I think my new year's resolution is just to make it out alive. And, yeah, hopefully lose the pounds I'll inevitably put on from holiday pigging. It would just be an awesome extra if I could figure things out with my blog too! 🙂
+1 sidebar: http://booksatmidnight.blogspot.com
Thank for the great giveaway!
Resolution: to stop procrastinating!
+1 sidebar: http://meghanbookblog.blogspot.com
My new years resolution is to write more reviews for the books that I read.
My resolution is to eat healthier and get out and exercise!
nbmars AT yahoo DOT com
My resolution is to be more organized and to lose weight.
I resolve to get my sewing machine up and running for some crafty projects.
vvb32 at yahoo.com
I honestly don't make new years resolutions..I found that when I started off the year with one, it never got accomplished, and I just felt bad at the end of the year. Now I just set goals for myself throughout the year, whenever I feel one needs to be set!
Not really a resolution because rarely does anyone follow through with them. Actually a promise to exercise more to lose some weight and reduce my cholesterol.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
Nice giveaway. My new years resolution is to give back and volunteer more this year.
msboatgal at aol.com
My resolution is to eat less and read more.
shutupjessicasreading @ gmaildotcom
My new years resolution will be to eat healthier. I tend to eat too much junk.
I am a follower.
seriousreader at live dot com
I tweeted: http://twitter.com/Pinkhair/status/6871962986
My resolutions are the usual stuff, diet, go to the gym, quit smoking, etc. I start my resolutions about 2-3 weeks into January. Starting once all the holiday celebrating is over and things are completely back to normal work better for me.
I am a follower. I thought I was one through Google Connect, but turns out I was only a follower through my reader. Now, I follow both ways.
jennsicurella at verizon dot net
My New Years Resolution is to spend more quality time with my family!! I am always with my family but everyone is usually doing their own thing like games, tv or reading. I want us to spend more time doing stuff as a family.
my new years resoulution? to stop drinking so much coke and start with water. i mean, the other day i woke up and bam! my kidney felt ready to explode from pain and not enough water! 🙁
lol, thanks,
My New Years Resolution is to write at least 3,000 words a day, and start working out more. haha =)
On my blog–
My New Year's resolution will be the same one I've made for the past few years – not to make a resolution. you tend to set yourself up for failure if you set the bar too high. This way, there's no pressure.
I am a follower.
I tweeted this contest here:
I am so opposed to resolutions, because as soon as you "resolve" you end up craving whatever it is.
That being said, I always end up making them anyway. ;D
This year, I am going to try to take a picture every day. We'll see how long that lasts.
posted here
Misty (Day 6!)
My resolution is to get in shape and eat healthier.
I am a follower
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
+1 sidebar:
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
Hey nice addition to the 12 blogs of Christmas- and picking your own book is perfect for everyone. =)
My resolution is to focus more on the novel I am working on- getting at least 1 chapter if not 2 out a week so I can get this one finished and work on polishing it and jump into book 2 of the series.
This is both on my sidebar and as part of a blog post here:
My new years resolution is to take things LESS seriously! I want to be more relaxed.
im a follower and i posted ur contest on myblog
my New Years Resolution i usually dontmake themc ause i never follow threw but this year I resolve to read more
I'm now a follower 🙂
My New Year's resolution is to get the finances/debt under control.
Thanks for the contest!
I have many resolutions, as usual! The two most important…getting my novel written and reading more books.
I'm a new follower =o)
My New Years Resolution is to spend more quality time with my hubby. We get so busy and just can never seem to find the time for just (us).
I'm a follower
mitzihinkey at sbcglobal dot net
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!!
My resolution is to start my own blog. I love visiting everyone else's and I'd like to discuss books I like too.
I'm a follower.
joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com
+1 I posted this on twitter http://twitter.com/jone402/status/6875854815
joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com
My New Year's Resolution is to get better grades at school!
I am a follower
infinitemusic19 at gmail dot com
cliche but my resolution is to loose 10-15lbs. kinda easy to do since i work in a gym right? BAH! not even! hahaha.
i am a new follower. =)
resolution is to get an acedemic advisor this year and get organized and directed in my schooling
I follow with google
My New Year's Resolution is to not procrastinate as much. I also want to start a blog, and to get into grad school.
I tweeted this.
I am a follower.
Please enter me.
Love picking out my own book. My New Years resolution is to start running again. 🙂
hauntingorchid (at) aol (dot) com
Mine is to work out more. I fail maintaining the momentum once I start and I need to keep it up though the year.
I am a follower.
Linked on sidebar – http://donnasbloghome.blogspot.com/
bacchus76 at myself dot com
I have so many tiny resolutions that I've made for myself. My biggest resolution is to continue with my writing and hopefully have something ready to query by the end of 2010.
aurumsisters at gmail dot com
I have been linking all of the 12 Blogs of Christmas on my sidebar. You can view it here: http://pamelamaclean.blogspot.com
I want to eat healthier and make sure I drink the recommended amount of water per day! =)
Many but the biggest: finish the book I'm writing!
+1 tweeted http://twitter.com/justkeepreading/statuses/6881571611
foltzsfantasticbooks at gmail.com
Yay! I'm a follower!!!
I'm aiming to read 300 books next year. 🙂
dragonzgoil at gmail dot com
I'm a follower!:)
My resolution is to read the books I've bought that I haven't read yet!
I follow!
My resolution is eat less sugar. I would say "lose weight" but that's kind of cliche and I figure if I focus on the sugar thing that will help goal #2 a lot! Maybe I should say "bake less" because that contributes to the sugar load…
Posted about it here:
My new year's resolution is to write everyday, even if only for 5 minutes, and even if it's only a journal entry or blog post.
yay for gift cards! they're fun 🙂
jessicacapelle at gmail dot com
blogged about it here:
jessicacapelle at gmail dot com
My new years resolution is to work harder in school and get better grades.
I'm a follower!
lilazncutie1215 @ yahoo.com
I'm already a follower. thanks for hosting!
One of my resolution for 2010 is to learn (and wear) high heals again. I haven't worn them since I had my first son 8 years ago. Been lazy and now completely out of practice 🙂
I'm a follower! My new year's resolution is to really focus on my 101 in 1001 days list because if I accomplish those things, it will be a great year!
My New Year's Resolution is to visit more of the US. I have friends scattered across the better expanse of this country (not to mention family) I want to get out there and visit some!
I am a follower…My resolution is to be much lighter and in shape by this time next year!!!
cfisher1504 at gmail dot com
I am a new follower. My New Year's resolution is to get all my reading challenges done this year.
Just Books
Book Rat is next on the 12 days tour of blogs.
Just Books
I always say I'm going to lose some weight but it probably won't happen! lol
I do plan on reading more and I know that will happen!
I follow your blog.
mittens0831 at aol dot com
My new years resolution is to get myself in gear and get a job since I'm graduating in May! Eeeks.
I'm a follower 🙂
I have a ton of things that I plan to do differently next year but I think the main one is to pay off all my 5 credit cards.
I think I might have a spending problem, ha ha.
New years res: To finally, finally, finish writing my novel (so then I can actually try to get a lit. agent)
Thank you so much!
I would LOVE to win this!!
Thankyou!! :D:D:D
Resolution: To read more! :D:D
My new year's resolution is for every new book I read, I will pull an old one off of my teetering TBR pile and read it as well.
+1 new follower
I'm a follower! But I don't do New Year's Resolutions, so nevermind that. Don't enter me. I'm dropping in to say thanks for the e-mail. I've got this posted at Win a Book for you.
My resolution is to get more exercise in the new year.
Thanks for the giveaway!
mtakala1 AT yahoo DOT com
Oh, wow. Honestly, I think my New Year's Resolution this year is to lose the wait I've gained since August. It's only about six pounds, but it's proved hard to lose.
My New Years resolution is to maintain my weight and get in shape.
My new year's resolution is to get fit. Also to get a new job! Please enter me!
New Years resolution is to finish all my christmas presents for 2010 by July of 2010. (I knit them all. mostly.) and i always forget to knit until october or november, then i run out of time!!
I posted this link @ twitter.com/haleymathiot
My resolution is to be less of a pushover. Thanks for the giveaway!
My resolutions are so cliche – eat healthier, exercise more, spend less. I guess the reason they're cliche though is because most of us have trouble with them. 🙂
I follow your blog.
akreese (at) hotmail (dot) com
My resolution is to stop immagining that Alex O'Laughlin is secretly pining for me. This will be tough.
My New Year's Resolution is to read more. I love it, but then I get busy and don't make the time to do so.
whatinabox (at) gmail (dot) com
Sidebar: http://budgetinabox.blogspot.com/ (under "Book Giveaways")
whatinabox (at) gmail (dot) com
My New Year's Resolution is to stop worrying about things/people that I can not change. I will hope for the best, do what I can to help them, but I will no longer worry myself sick over their actions. ** I hope I can do it. **
My new year's resolutions are to learn Japanese and start exercising for real (as opposed to just for one month of the year before forgetting abou tit).
It's in my sidebar under the contest list- http://brizmusblogsbooks.blogspot.com
my new years resolution is to travel to someplace I have never been before…and read more.
My New Year's Resolutions are to read more and to follow through with the challenges I will be a part of.
Thank you for hosting! =)
Taylor P.
I'd love to win this! I'm an old follower. My New Year's Resolution is to *try* to work out more this year.
+1 Posted on my sidebar at http://booksobsession.blogspot.com
What Is Your New Year's Resolution? (You MUST Be A Follower).
My New Year's Resolution Is To Do Lot's More Reading. I Don't Get To Read Nearly As Much As I Would Like.
I Am A Follower Of Your Blog.
+1 If You Post This Somewhere (Leave A NEW Comment)
I Blogged About This Giveaway.
I really want to try to log all the books i read.
My New Year's Resolution is to spend more time volunteering to make a difference as opposed to writing about it.
baileythebookworm at gmail dot com
My New Year's resolution is to give up chocolate. Sounds like cruel and unusual punishment, don't it?
thebookvixen at gmail dot com
My New Year's resolution is to read and review more! To try to improve as a blogger. 😀
I'm a follower.
Anna ♥
Sidebar: http://goodgonegirl.blogspot.com
Mt resolution is to try to stop worrying so much, especially about things I have no control over.
eswright18 at gmail dot com
Wish you a Merry Christmas and May this festival bring abundant joy and happiness in your life! Great Religion Magazine collection I like to share with all Christian brothers and sisters.
My New Years Resolution is to exercise more. I shoveled during the big snow storm that we just had and my bag is still killing me. So I figure if I exercise I'll build up my muscle strength.
findjessyhere at gmail dot com
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/Emma015/statuses/6975420072
findjessyhere at gmail dot com
My New Years Resolution: I plan to get my home in order. Moved in 3 yrs ago, then son was here then daughter, son-in-law, and step-grand-daughter and finally just me and 3 cats. LOL. And try to learn more about blogging, tweeting, etc.
I am a follower
misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com
What a great idea! Thanks for a generous offer and happy holidays!!
My resolution is to take care of myself. I need more sleep and to eat better foods. I want to be around a long time!
Already follow
Hold on, I came up with 3…
1. Turn off the inner critic and write something new(revising my first novel killed creative freedom)
2. Perform dance in a coffee shop
3. Continue to reach for a healthy diet and weight.
Can I just say this contest is brilliant?
I have a couple of New Year's resolutions:
1) To really get my blog looking good – I've read a lot of books but haven't written the reviews. sharon54220.wordpress.com
2) To really lose some weight and keep it off.
3) To try to quit smoking.
I'm a follower
New Year's Resolution: to use coupons more
clenna at aol dot com
I'm a new follower.
clenna at aol dot com
Not sure if this would count as a New Year's resolution-but I am going to save up enough money to go visit my family who live out of state
I am a new follower
Aloha…. NEw Follower here!!=)
My New Years resolution this year will be to do the Twilight Movie tour and visit Italy for the New Moon adventure!!!
Hmm.. how about get more exercise and read more books? hehe. juliecookies(at)gmail.com I am a follower
I'm a follower.
I resolve to write more.
xashxnightx at gmail dot com
And, I posted a link on twitter: http://twitter.com/writersxxblock/status/7112497571
My New Year's Resolution? Stop procrastinating.
Thanks for the contest! And I am a current follower!
Lucy @ Delightful Reviews
My resolution- read more of what's in my TBR pile before adding more to it!
alterlisa AT yahooDOT com
My resolution is to be more active on my blog. I only post a few days a month. :/
two_of_hearts_101 at yahoo dot com
I also linked the contest to my sidebar,
Thanks for the contest!
two_of_hearts_101 at yahoo dot com
Please enter me in this giveaway!
My New Years resolution is to respond quicker to correspondence, whether it be via postal mail, e-mail, or Facebook inbox.
saemmerson at yahoo dot com
Sarah Emmerson
My New Years Resolution is to eat healthier and lose some weight.
I tweeted:
saemmerson at yahoo dot com
Sarah Emmerson
This year I plan to get more organized
My resolution is probably to exercise more and have more of a schedule (that I follow) 🙂
book.splot AT gmail DOT com
My New Year's resolution is to finish the PNR novel I'm currently working on and the two poetry collections I'm writing. 2010 promises to be busy! 🙂
My new years resolution is to work out everyday and do better in math.
My new year's resolution is to write TWO new books in 2010!
guinevere dot rowell at gmail dot com
Awesome contest! Haha, I made many resolutions this year (as I always do, but I always end up breaking them! 🙁 ), but one of them is to NOT PROCRASTINATE, haha! Hopefully this one I WON'T break! 😛
+1 Link on my blog's contests page: http://bookbutterflyangel.wordpress.com/contests/
+1 Tweet: http://twitter.com/bookbutterfly/status/7263307446
Happy New Year!
Best wishes to everyone who entered!!=)
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