Currently/What’s New With You: April 2019

Posted April 3, 2019 by shooting in Personal / 33 Comments

Linking up with Anne at In Residence and Kristen at See You in a Porridge!

I’m Currently…

Experiencing: This Saturday, a friend of mine and I are visiting a local movie theater to see The General. I’ve seen it before, but she hasn’t, so I’m excited for her to experience it. And if you don’t know, The General is a silent film starring Buster Keaton, and it’s fantastic! It might be silent, but it’s so good – and funny!

Appreciating: My therapist. I’ve been dealing with anxiety and depression for years, and while I’ve mostly managed it, I finally got to the point where I decided I should try and talk to someone on a regular basis. I’ve only been going for about a month now, but I really like them and I think it’s going well. Don’t ever be afraid to ask for help! People like to pretend mental health isn’t a thing, but it definitely is, and for everyone – you don’t have to be diagnosed with something to work on your mental health!

April 2019 Currently: Appreciating, Wishlisting, and more #ontheblog #currently Click To Tweet

Wishlisting: My birthday is on May 30, so I have two months to tell people what I want! LOL I’m actually kind of bad at figuring out what I want for holidays or birthdays, so I figured I’d just add things to a Pinterest board and people (aka my mom and sister usually) can go from there! So here’s my Birthday Wish List!

Posting: A bit less. I still need to get back into my writing routine for my book, but I’ve been reading a lot more. All of this means that I’m blogging less, but that’s okay! I’m still blogging!

Considering: Going to the Ohio State Fair again this year. My sister and I went last year and saw Trevor Noah. The concerts/shows have all been announced, and there aren’t that many I’m excited about, but I’d like to see Chris Young live, so we might end up doing that (and my mom would come this time too!) Do you attend any state fairs?

Before You Leave-

My brother was diagnosed with MS about a year and a half ago. Later this month, I’ll be walking with my family in the Cincinnati MS Walk. In honor of that, I’m trying to raise money for MS,  if you’d like to donate any small amount, it would be greatly appreciated! If I raise at least $100 then I get a cool t-shirt! Thanks in advance, and feel free to spread the word too!

33 responses to “Currently/What’s New With You: April 2019

  1. I’ve never seen The General. I watch a lot of classics so that’s kind of weird for me! Hope you ladies have fun!! I add to an Amazon wishlist throughout the year and it makes birthdays much easier!

  2. That’s great that you are appreciating having a therapist. I’ve had a few over the years but not currently. It’s always good to have someone you can talk to though.

  3. Yay for birthday lists! I always get overwhelmed when my birthday comes around because it is smack in the middle of the holiday hype. Therapy is great when you find the right person. I have struggled with this for years as I just have not found the right person I mesh with. Every so often I go on another hunt for one but never seem to get responses. I often wonder what the universe is trying to tell me when this happens. Have a great day!

    Trish @ The Trish List recently posted: Hello April!
  4. Ouh I haven’t seen that movie yet. Sounds good though. 😀

    This is awesome. I hope you are able to do so. In the world of blogging, it is easy to make friends. In real life its harder, but you got to try. You got this 🙂

    Ouuhhh, that’s amazing. Pinterest is literally one of my faves. I just love it. You got a great idea there 😀

    Wow, that is so beautiful. I hope you get your tshirt 🙂 Stay strong!

  5. That is so awesome that you are seeing a therapist and it’s helping. I totally agree that mental health is real and should be taken seriously!

    My birthday is May 18 and I’m currently trying to think of things. I’ve been on bed rest for months and my baby is due on May 28… so I had totally forgotten about my birthday! I guess, I should get used to it. haha. May will be all about my son now. lol.

    That’s amazing!! I’m in Cincinnati!! Well, just outside the belt. My sister-in-law’s brother has MS. We walk and/or donate every year for them.

    • That’s awesome that you walk/donate for MS every year. I’m right outside of Cincy too – how cool! Ooh you are due soon. My birthday is May 30, so if your son comes on time, we’ll be close in birthdays. 🙂

  6. Awww, I love love love that you are going to therapy <3 and you are absolutely right–it's a great thing to seek help and feels GOOD to have talk therapy, right? To be honest, I miss going so much and reading this made me realize that I should try and find someone in my neighborhood. Also blogging less–I've been guilty of this myself. It's not the worst thing in the world, and I'd rather be able to keep up with the blog friends I have than push out content I'm not attached to, if that makes sense? Also I've never seen the General! Thanks for the heads up! XOXO

  7. I love your “Experiencing”, “Appreciating”, “Wishlisting”, “Cnsidering” format! Sorry to hear about your brother, Heading there now to donate! I’m so happy that talking to your therapist is making you feel better! . Thank you for reminding people of never being afraid to ask for help!

  8. I’m so sorry to hear about your brother Lauren, I hope he’s currently in good health and doing well. I wish I could afford to donate at the moment, currently saving for surgery for my little dog but will try to donate next week if possible. Therapy sounds like it’s been such a wonderful outlet for you! I often think about perhaps seeing one, just to be able to talk to someone about things can often make such a difference in our everyday lives. That self care is so important and thank you for reiterating about not being afraid to ask for help!

    Kelly recently posted: On The Come Up
  9. Therapy is amazing! I’ve been going for therapy for my anxiety since December and it helps so much with managing things! I’m already getting excited for the Minnesota State Fair and it’s still several months away! If you go to yours I hope you can see one of the shows you’re interested in!

  10. My birthday is coming up and I think I’m getting a new camera. There are so many scenic views out here and I think my husband owes me something big for dragging me cross country to move lol

    I’m glad you found a therapist you like. That’s usually the toughest part – other than to start going.

    have a wonderful month Lauren!

    Karen @ For What It’s Worth

  11. Oooh, I liked the wishlisting. That’s a lot of fun. I hope you and your therapist are connecting and that you get what you are looking for from that.

  12. I’m sorry to hear about your brother! My neighbor next-door has MS. I have considered going to a therapist, I have anxiety from time to time. I’ve been listening to an audio self help book to help me and it has helped a lot!! I agree that mental health really IS a thing.


  13. Have fun with your friend. I think it’s wonderful that you walk each year for MS. I wish more people would get help for mental issues. Sadly, I know insurance coverage isn’t the greatest for some, but talking and learning how to handle things is so important.

  14. That is great you’re doing the MS walk to raise funds and awareness! I’ve never seen a silent movie before, I didn’t even know they made them anymore! How fun.

  15. Haven’t seen The General, but now I want to see it!
    Oh my, I’m so sorry to hear about your brother 🙁
    Advance Happy Birthday Lauren 🙂

  16. I appreciate when people let me know what they want. Sometimes it’s so hard to figure it out on my own. Glad to hear you found a good person to talk to. Sorry to hear about your brother!

    I hope you get to see Chris Young. Sounds like some fun. 🙂

  17. It’s been several years since I’ve attended a State Fair. I’m glad you appreciate your therapist and aren’t afraid to talk to that person. I just started counseling and had my first session last week. I really like her, and will be seeing her weekly.

  18. I know that I need to go back to therapy and talk to my doctor again. It’s been about 6 or 7 years, but I know I could use the extra help again. I’ve also got to get some time to write fit in! Seems like I’m finally getting caught up on blogging, and every time I tell myself not to overbook myself, I sign up for another tour. Oh well. Maybe it will be a summer with lots of time to write since I’m not going to any conventions.

    Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature) recently posted: L-L-L-Little Reviews - Two Way Overdue ARCs
  19. So glad you are enjoying your therapist and I agree – it’s never a bad time to work on your mental health. Excellent message. I also love when friends have a wish list for things! It makes present buying so much easier and less stressful on everyone. We never had anything called a state fair, but I’m guessing our local shows were similar? Maybe? Except it is put on in each major town… So maybe not quite the same. But the biggest are in the state capitals. They have plenty of livestock shows and displays as well as arts and crafts and competitions etc. I always loved the sideshows as a kid!

  20. Jen

    I love that you are doing the MS walk! We have plans this Fall for ours.

    I am also glad you found a good therapist. It is awfully brave to seek out help when we need it. Good for you!

  21. RO

    I’ve never seen The General, and while I love older movies from the 40’s to 50’s, I can’t say I’m a fan of the nontalkies. Kudos to you for focusing on your health, and yes, there’s no shame in speaking with a therapist who’s unbiased and can help us feel better, or to look at things differently. You are so right that mental health is important! Hugs…RO

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