Keep It Together: Health, Planners + Bucket List Updates

Posted August 20, 2020 by shooting in Planning / 23 Comments

Third Thursday of the month (already!!) and it’s time to share your planning/memory keeping posts. You can link up with myself, Alexandra, and Rebecca Jo at the bottom of this post.

Keep It Together: August 2020

Okay, but seriously – is anyone really keeping it together these days? I’m doing my best! I wasn’t entirely sure what to post about for this month, but I finally updated my planner a bit. Nothing too crazy, but I want to use it more often and at least decorate because that makes me happy when looking back.

This is one half of my monthly calendar, and as you can see, there isn’t a ton going on. I’ve had lots of different doctors, but I seem to be the on the right track health- wise (*fingers crossed*) If you see my Ugh sticker, that’s because I had ANOTHER Covid test. This time I had to do it myself, so it wasn’t as high up, but it still really sucked! I would like to not have to do another one…ever again.

The reason I had it though is because I was supposed to have a procedure the next Monday to have fluid removed from around my right lung. They wanted to test for infections. I go through all that just to get there on Monday and have them do an ultrasound and realize there isn’t enough fluid to safely take it out. Which, yay, not a lot of fluid, but boo, going through all of that. I have a stress test next month to rule out underlying heart and lung issues, but for now, I’m on some different medicines and I seem to be doing better. Here’s hoping the really bad pain stays away – they are thinking the pain is just inflammation from the blood clots.

So yes, that’s my health update, and what I’ve mostly been focused on this month!

Another thing I added to my planner is my 2020 Summer Bucket List. It’s on the page right before my monthly calendar. I already have some things listed for my Fall Bucket List in September, but for now, you’re just seeing what I’ve already posted on the blog. I thought it would be fun to collect my lists here though and I was able to add some fun stickers, which is always a plus! Leslie is actually having a bucket list update tomorrow, so I’m about a day early!

Swim at Night – yes!

Beach Read by Emily Henry – not yet, but I still hope to soon.

Fire Pit/S’mores – Yes, I have done this.

Hamilton – Only the once, but it still counts!

Sweet Magnolias- Yes, I watched the first season and it’s so good. Big cliffhanger though!

Paint My Nails – I did. I hope to do another color in the next day or so.

Haircut – I finally got it cut and thinned out a ton. It was seriously needed. I lost about three inches length-wise.

Netflix Party – I totally forgot about this one – need to plan a Netflix Party with someone soon.

BlendJet Smoothie – This is a sort of, because I did try and make one, but it didn’t really turn out. I’ll be making more soon though!

Melting Pot To-Go – Yes, I did this earlier in the summer.

Big Summer by Jennifer Weiner– Not yet, but again, I still plan to read this one soon.

My 13th Blogoversary- This month is my blog’s 13th anniversary, and I haven’t done anything yet. I’m thinking some sort of giveaway by the end of the month so keep an eye out! Right now, I have some other fun giveaways going on though so check out the right hand side of my blog. I’m trying to keep all giveaways there so they are easier to find. I’m going to have LOTS of fun Fall/Halloween giveaways next month too. I cannot wait!

Total: 7 1/2 out of 12, which isn’t bad at all! 

If you have your own post for Keep It Together, link up below! 

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23 responses to “Keep It Together: Health, Planners + Bucket List Updates

  1. Glad to hear you’re doing better! Sending positive vibes your way that that continues! And wow happy blogoversary- that’s amazing!!

  2. Oh my, I’m so sorry about the health issues and all of the stress and testing only to find out that you couldn’t have the procedure. Health things like that stress me out so much, so I totally understand! I hope that the new medicines are helping you!! Good luck finishing up the bucket list, I can’t believe that it’s almost fall. What a strange year!! XO – Alexandra

    Simply Alexandra: My Favorite Things

  3. I read both those books on your list and they were good for me. I am impressed that you ate out. I have yet to do that since all this “business” began.

  4. You’ve done a good job of sticking to your list! I honestly bought a planner at the start of the year, but I haven’t had much use for it. It is funny how life can change at the blink of an eye. I never would have thought I’d be spending the majority of my year working from home, but it looks like my company will not even think about us physically going to work until 2021.

  5. Still anxious to try the Melting Pot. Someday, someday. You have done well on your bucket list. This has been such a difficult time…it is a wonder any of us are getting out of bed these days. So sick of this junk.
    Sorry about the rigmarole surrounding the procedure you were scheduled for but didn’t have. But I am glad you don’t have enough fluid to worry about. Hope it stays that way. Hope they will continue to monitor you.
    I am supposed to go to a specialized dentist on Tuesday for a tooth infection that seems to have cleared itself up. Canceling that appointment on Monday. Lots of things I would rather do and spend money on.
    Thanks for the mention. Hope you will start work on your fall bucket list!!

    Leslie Susan Clingan recently posted: My 2020 Summer Bucket List: Update 08.2020
  6. Ooh, I have thought about getting one of those Blendjets to keep at work. I’ll have to see how it works out for you when you try it again. Sorry you’ve been dealing with so many health issues. I hear there is supposedly a new Covid test coming out that is a mouth swab, hoping that is soon. My planner is full, but it is all blog stuff!

    Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature) recently posted: Blog Tour Review: Not My Romeo (The Game Changers #1) by Ilsa Madden-Mills
  7. I hope you’re feeling better!! I’m definitely having difficulty keeping everything together recently. Blogging has fallen farrrrr off my usual, so I’m glad I’m getting back into blog hopping again! Hopefully I can stick to a schedule again soon 🙂

  8. Oh, the Covid testing does not sound fun! Hope they get your medical issues sorted! Nice that you’ve been able to cross of 7 out of 12 on your bucket list! Good luck on the rest. 🙂

  9. I’ve heard the Covid tests are pretty horrible. 🙁 Here’s hoping you don’t need another any time soon.

    You’re doing okay with your list even though things are tough at the moment… I’m feeling like it’ll be a long time before calendars start filling up again.

  10. Sam

    I’ve never considered creating a monthly bucket list, this is actually a really fab idea and will motivate me to getting ut of the house more. I use a lot of diaries and planners for different things, I should ideally invest in one for everything!

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