Celebrate My Blogoversay with Giveaways!

Posted July 16, 2019 by shooting in Giveaway / 43 Comments

“All I do is win” – is what you can (possibly) say if you enter these giveaways. I’m celebrating 12 years of blogging this month and August with tons of giveaways and I would love to have you enter.

  1. My own Year’s Worth of Books giveaway – 12 books, 1 for each month, and I’ll tailor them to your tastes. This is U.S. only UNLESS you can help with shipping costs – I can pay some shipping of course! This ends August 31
  2. Erica Robyn Reads interviewed me and is giving away a $25 gift card to Amazon – ends July 31
  3. Verushka from Pop.Edit.Lit is giving away up to $20 worth of books from The Book Depository (open international if they ship to you) – ends July 31
  4. The lovely Dara from Not In Jersey (she co-hosts Local Tourist with me every month) is giving away two books (The Things We Cannot Say by Kelly Rimmer and One Summer in Paris by Sarah Morgan) AND $10 book of choice from either Amazon or The Book Depository – this one ends in 2 days so enter, enter enter! I’m including the Rafflecopter for that giveaway below if you want to enter here, but I recommend checking out Dara’s blog!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Be sure to bookmark my Year’s Worth of Books giveaway post because there is a link-up at the bottom of the post where I’m sharing all the other giveaways I’m doing with fellow bloggers (there will be a total of 12, but they begin and end at different times so keep checking back!)

43 responses to “Celebrate My Blogoversay with Giveaways!

  1. Jen

    Twelve years is really a feat. Way to go awesome lady! Super proud of you, and of course I entered. I am trying to read a mystery right now, but keep falling asleep. Maybe tomorrow I will make it to page 50 🙂

  2. Oh my goodness–12 years of blogging! That’s an amazing accomplishment! One of my friends made me a magnet that says “Blogging means you have something to say,”–just think! You’ve had something to say for 12 years straight 🙂 Awesome giveaways, and hope you’re having a great week, my sweet!

  3. So amazing that you’ve been at this for 12 years! And I would love to win some books! I”m currently reading a book called Slightly South of Simple.

  4. What a brilliant celebration, you’re absolutely one of y favourite people Lauren, always so kind with a kind word to say, beautiful and big hearted. You’re an inspiration not only as a blogger but as a person. The world needs more Lauren’s.

    Kelly recently posted: All The Invisible Things

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