Currently is hosted by Anne at In Residence
Happy February, friends! I’m always excited for a new Currently link up, so let’s go!
Loving: all my online friends that have been super sweet lately. With not feeling well, and starting a new job, it’s been a pretty crazy month for me. All of your well wishes and congratulations have meant a lot. I truly appreciate every single one of you.
Making: Lots of plans, posts, and videos for #FebruHARRY2022. I am doing a month long celebration of all things Harry Potter this month (minus JKR, because I do not support her) and I am so excited! A lot of work has gone into these posts and I really hope all you HP fans will enjoy them. Be sure to follow me or the hashtag on Instagram and TikTok too so you don’t miss anything.
Taking: lots of time to cuddle my cat. It’s rough being away from him all day during the week, but it just means I’m even more excited to see him and love on him when I’m home.
Wanting: to get some new shoes for work. I’m thinking of something that nurses wear; nothing fancy looking, but comfortable if I have to walk a lot or be on my feet for a long time. I don’t know if I’ll have found something by the time you read this, but if not, any suggestions??
Wondering: how my blog life is going to look past February. With FebruHARRY, I know I’ll have a lot of posts going up, but once March hits, I’m going to really need to adjust my blog style. That will probably mean writing and scheduling ahead as much as possible, since working full time (and everything else I’m involved in) takes up a lot of my previous free time.
Good luck figuring out your blog while working full time!
I am also setting up some posts for FebruHARRY2022. Will totally use the hashtag on Instagram when I make my posts 🙂
As a proud Hufflepuff, I’m so excited for #FebruHARRY2022
I love all thing Skechers! They’re so easy to slip on and so comfortable throughout the day. That being said, I learned that they wear out kinda quickly especially if you’re on your feet a lot. So, while they’re comfortable, you do gotta rotate them out!
I was actually going to suggest sketchers and then saw Divya’s comment. Wore them a lot when I used to commute to the city and was on my feet all day.
Also excited to hear about your new gig and am so sorry I’ve been absent lately. I’ve missed it here and it’s good to be back! Best of luck at your new job, Lauren!!
Congratulations on the new job! Hope you find your new schedule and flow…it can be tricky adjusting everything.
Congrats on the new job!!! So exciting 🙂 It’s really sad about JKR… But I always thought she needed t stop talking anyways. once the book is out there she can’t keep making amendments to what it means. she should have made her money and kept quiet!
I did post a #HarryPotter video on TikTok yesterday of one of my dogs with the sorting hat toy they got for Christmas. He pulled out the Ravenclaw toy, but then it was like he was made at it and kind of attacked it, until he pulled out the Gryffindor toy. Personally I’m a Hufflepuff!
Congrats on the new job. Hope you find the perfect balance to reading and blogging and working and snuggly your kitty. FebruHARRY sounds like fun. Will be on the lookout for posts.
My daughter bought some Hushpuppies shoes that were too big for her and I lucked out and inherited them. You might consider looking into them. Super comfy.
I’m sorry to hear you’re not feeling well, I hope you get better soon! Congratulations on your new job as well, that’s exciting, but I get that it can be overwhelming too. I hope you get some time to just relax this month!
I hope you’re enjoying your new job and that you’ll be able to find a good balance between blogging and your busy schedule. It can definitely be challenging. I used to have a goal of trying to post every single day but ended up having to cut back to 3-4 posts a week because it was just too hard to keep up with everything.
Shockingly, I’m up to speed with blog posts – meaning I have a Tell Me Something Tuesday posts ready each week and a few reviews in draft so I at least have 2 posts a week going up. That’s HUGE for me lol
Karen @For What It’s Worth
Congratulations on your new job! That is always so exciting! Hopefully you are able to get some good shoes. I’ve always had good luck with Abeo when I am focusing on comfort!
I’m late on all my blog reading and decided to try and catch up with the “Currently” posts tonight 🙂 My blog always takes a hit when my work situation changes. I find it hard to get blogging to fit into a new routine but eventually I figure it out.