Discussion Post Ideas!

Posted December 16, 2014 by shooting in Uncategorized / 8 Comments


Hey everyone! I’m sure most of you have seen my review for Ask Me Anything by now. If not, it’s about a post down! I’m currently trying to help the screenwriter/director, Allison Burnett (he also wrote the novel it’s based on!) spread the word. At the same time, we’d really love to get discussions going about online identity.

Therefore, if you’d be willing to write up a discussion post on your blog, we would love to know about it! All you have to do is mention the film (say the post is inspired by it, whatever!) and include a link for people to learn more. They have a facebook page, or you can link to IMDB. Again, that’s up to you!

The contents of the post, however, will be about online identity. Do you use a pseudonym? Why or why not? Do you share personal details about your life? Do you share photos of yourself/friends/family? A couple other bloggers have already expressed interest in writing something, so I’d love to have more of you sharing your thoughts and experiences!

If this isn’t something you’re interested in doing, but you would like to still spread the word about the film (it comes out this Friday, Dec. 19th!!) then you can do another type of post titled….ASK ME ANYTHING! Yeah, I’m original. I might be doing this on Friday myself. The idea is to allow your blog readers to, yes that’s right, ask you anything. It’s hopefully a fun way to get to know the bloggers behind the blog. Of course, you should think about the questions you’re asking. You can ask something a bit more personal (hence Ask Me Anything) but every blogger is allowed to answer the questions they deem appropriate or the ones they are willing to answer. That’s their right!

Anyway, I hope one of these will inspire a post in you! If you’re going to post something, please let me know. Comment here with the link or email me and I’ll pass it along to Allison.

Ask Me Anything Facebook – like them!

8 responses to “Discussion Post Ideas!

  1. I want to do more discussion posts in 2015, so I'll get started this year by participating! Is a fairly current topic too, especially in light of the Kathleen Hale incident. I'll try to write a post this weekend!

  2. I'd love to participate and give it a plug via social media, as I have a while heap of posts for publishers already schedule unfortunately. I haven't actually heard of the book or adaptation until now, but after having a read of your original post, it sounds pretty good. Is that the girl from Under The Dome in that?

    Count me in to Tweet it out and will pin it up and spread the word <3

  3. I've been meaning to reply to your email. I'm so sorry I haven't! I'm just so overwhelmed, I can't seem to keep up.
    I use my real name and I share some pictures but I try to be careful in many ways. I don't use my kids names or tell people where we live or anything.

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