TBB Asks: Giving Thanks Edition

Posted November 5, 2018 by shooting in Discussion / 34 Comments

It’s time for another TBB Asks, courtesy of The Blended Blog. If you want to answer these, feel free to grab the above graphic and use it on your blog! This month’s questions are all about Giving Thanks!

It's time to Give Thanks - let us know what you are most thankful for #ontheblog #tbbasks Click To Tweet

1. Have you ever kept a gratitude journal? Yes or no? No, but I hear it has some great benefits. I used to keep an actual journal for years though.

2. Hosting Thanksgiving at your house? Yes or no? Well, I still live at home, so it’s not really myself hosting. That part might be fun in the future! Otherwise, I don’t really have a preference of where I’m at for Thanksgiving.

3. Favorite food from the Thanksgiving meal? To be honest, I don’t like most food served at Thanksgiving…yes, I know, gasp all you want! So…can I say the dessert? Or the bread? Sugar and carbs, baby!

4. What one thing in nature are you most grateful for? Ooh good question! I’m going to go with the animals; I love watching the deer and squirrels around where I live.

5. Pumpkin pie: Yes or no? No, but I’ll take all the apple pie.

6. Traditional cookbook: Yes or no? I’m not sure what this means…using a cookbook, or going off-script? I need to use cookbooks more; I’m not much of a cook.

7. Oven baked or deep-fried turkey? I don’t like Thanksgiving turkey, but my family always bakes it in the oven.

8. Thanksgiving leftovers: Yes or no? Nope, not for me, but my family loves them.

9. What is one household product your most grateful for? I would be lost without a microwave!

10. Are you most grateful for home cooked meals or restaurant meals? Probably both. My family does go out a lot, but there’s some amazing food to experience in restaurants, especially non-chain ones – or when you’re traveling!

34 responses to “TBB Asks: Giving Thanks Edition

  1. Oh what a great idea for a blog, I’ll definitely do this soon, thank you! You sound like my son, when it was just him and I we would do munchies and football all day. lol

  2. Fun and it’s always fun getting to know you better! I do love this time of year not just because of all the family and festivities but because people seem to be nicer and more caring. I wish we could all be like that all the time. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  3. RO

    Another great post to make me put on my thinking cap. I’ve never done the Gratitude Journal, but I need to incorporate that into my Planner in 2019. I’ve hosted Thanksgiving dinners in the past, but now, not so much. My fave food has to be homemade cranberry sauce which can be used for just about everything. I collect cookbooks. The modern ones are cool, but I have quite a few from the 60’s and 70’s, and you can definitely see the difference. I’m grateful for my son being happy. My top household item has to be bleach! Hugs and Happy Monday! RO

  4. I don’t have a dedicated gratitude journal but there’s a section for it on my bullet journal!
    Thanksgiving leftovers are the best! I’ll be spending Thanksgiving over in Hong Kong with my family this year though so I dunno that we’re really actually gonna be celebrating it!

  5. I have been doing a gratitude journal for about 8 months now and really really love it. It’s an app on my phone, and I love it. I’m not a fan of Turkey at all, so Thanksgiving has never been of my my favorites. My uncle use to make me pizza, haha. My family thinks I’m a wierdo but they always were trying to steal some of my pizza.

  6. I mostly enjoy Thanksgiving. Can I answer turkey skin as my favorite food from the holiday? Hahaha. But also real mashed potatoes. Yummmmmm!! We’re going away for Thanksgiving this year and my husband is pissed about it because apparently Thanksgiving is his favorite holiday (who knew?!) and he loves a home cooked meal. Oh well.

  7. I plan on doing this post tomorrow, I love TBB link ups. It’s totally ok that you don’t like much Thanksgiving food! You’d get along well with my son! I also prefer apple pie over pumpkin pie. And I have done a gratitude journal before, I love them!

  8. Awww this was a fun promptโ€”I might have to participate in this, too! Iโ€™m not sure how to read that question about cookbooks either, but took it to me so you use them when cooking or are you so fly you can just whip up mouthwatering recipes without? Also you donโ€™t like any of the thanksgiving sides?! Those are my favorites. No sweet potatoes? Mashed potatoes?! ๐Ÿ˜‰ xoxo

    Also yes to apple pie always!

  9. Such a fun blog post! I do like Thanksgiving food, but once a year is enough for me. I’ve never hosted, and I don’t think I could handle the pressure…or the cooking.

  10. HI Lauren! Long time no see! Iโ€™ve been in a huge blog/reading slump, unfortunately, but looks like its finally coming to an end. Itโ€™s great to see you again and hope everything is well.

    This is the first time Iโ€™m seeing a TBB Asks post, what a great idea.
    It was great to get to know you a little bit better.

    Hope you have a lovely week ahead. ? xoxo
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  11. Great answer to what you are most thankful in nature. I answered sunshine but read Andrea’s response about snowflakes and yours about animals and now I want to change my answer.

    I’ll eat your share of the pumpkin if you want to eat my share of the apple pie.

  12. Great questions this month! Probably the thing I’m most excited about for Thanksgiving is the pumpkin pie. That and all the side dishes I make (since I don’t eat meat.) I love to bake, but pies always turn out weird for me, so I leave the pies to Costco, who makes wonderful pumpkin ones. ๐Ÿ™‚

  13. Oh, I am so shocked!! I’m guessing if you don’t really like turkey than Thanksgiving can def. be a downer unless another meat is prepared? ๐Ÿ˜‰ I love eating out, because then I don’t have to cook! Unless someone cooks for me at home, but that rarely happens!


  14. I can eat all of the traditional Thanksgiving foods but they are not my favorite either. I usually load up on all the sides and skip the turkey or just have a bit. I am all about the desserts though and I like having leftovers so I can skip cooking for a little while.

  15. This was so fun to read! I love Thanksgiving food, but I totally get that it’s not for everyone. I’m not big on pie though so that is kind of weird. ๐Ÿ™‚ I just love food so I love both home cooked meals and dinners out–ideally I like both in my life (especially since I’m the one usually cooking so I need a break sometimes!).

  16. This is fun! When I was younger I never loved the Thanksgiving food. I used to try to get my family to skip it and go for Chinese but there were never any takers! Now, I look at it as a wonderful opportunity to have someone else make me a large meal so I am here for it. My mom makes the best stuffing in the world, and my aunt is great at potato making so… it works for me!

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  17. I gratitude journal, it really is beneficial. I’m all about Thanksgiving sides!! I miss my mom’s stuffing. However, my girls make a mean mac & cheese, but I can’t have too much because of dairy…. :-/

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