Harry Potter Tricks and Treats + Giveaway!

Posted July 14, 2011 by shooting in Uncategorized / 8 Comments

This next shop, DiagonAlley is incredible!! They have all sorts of items but I have to admit that my favorite are the edible items. As you can see from the above photo, they have chocolate frogs…and you can win one. Read on to find out how!

However, they have more than that. They have one of the things I really really want which is a bottle of Butterbeer.  Mmm Mmm! This looks yummy!! You can buy a Care Package sent via Owl Post, which is really a package sent to you or whoever you wish filled with some Harry Potter – themed candy. The one I linked to is $40, but you can get bigger ones as well…they just cost more.

As I said, they don’t just have food…one of the items I love is the Customizable letter from Mrs. Weasley. It’s based off the one she sent to the Dursleys’ about bringing Harry to the Quidditch World Cup. The envelope is covered in stamps except for a tiny space where she put the address!!

Want 10 percent off your first order? Use the code New2011. You must act fast though because it will expire next Wednesday, July 20! You don’t really want to wait though, do you? I mean, look at this shop! After you see the last HP film, you’ll be dying to celebrate and perhaps mourn your sorrow in some lovely treats.


To Enter: Visit the site, and leave a comment with your favorite item + like the shop on Facebook

Open To: U.S. Only

Prize: A Chocolate Frog

Ends: Wednesday, July 20!

+ 1 (leave a new comment each time) if you comment on any of the other Harry Potter posts.

+10 if you buy something from DiagonAlley (leave ten new comments)

8 responses to “Harry Potter Tricks and Treats + Giveaway!

  1. My favorite item is the A Diagon Alley, Hogwarts and Hogsmeade Custom Care Package – Sent by Owl Post – Pre chosen Items

  2. Anonymous

    I'm not on facebook, so I don't know if my entry counts, but I like the Hogwarts O.W.L. Report.

    urchiken at gmail dot com

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