I know this may deeply, deeply upset some of you out there…maybe even scar some of you for life, I can’t be sure. But I must be honest. I have not yet…
read…The Hunger Games. Dun…dun…DUN! I know, I know. It’s awful. I’m really behind when it comes to series. I happen to own The Hunger Games and Catching Fire but I just need to find the time to read them. I’m always so caught up reading books I have to read instead of ones that I just want to read…as I review for here, Romantic Times magazine, and I’m also an English Lit Major.
A friend of mine loves the series though and another one just started the first book over Winter Break, so I know it’s about time I got it in gear and started reading these.
I will….one day. *ducks* *peaks out* Okay, all clear. I swear it will happen sometime soon. This year hopefully! haha
However, my other blog Let’s Get Beyond Tolerance is hosting a blog tour and we have a fun prize pack of books up for grabs donated by lovely, lovely bloggers (so yes, enter because you love them). What does that have to do with this post? Well, one of the newly added items is a hardback copy of Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins. So if you don’t own this one yet, want a copy for someone else, or whatever other reason…you need to enter this giveaway. Yes, you do.
And that isn’t the only prize either. Curious? Check it out!
0.0 you've commited one of the worst crimes immaginable!!!!!
Just joking, don't worry i was late to jump on the hunger games train too. For all the hype i loved the first two books…unfortunitly i feel like i was hung out to dry on Mockingjay.
Hopefully you'll like all three books when you finally get around to reading them.
i recently did a review for the first hunger games book and will have the other ones up soon…ish
High five, fellow English Lit major!
I'm only a freshman so I don't really know what college is REALLY like, but I still know that having required reading can very much get in the way of pleasure reading.
So I definitely can't blame you for not having time to read The Hunger Games. In fact, I would recommend that you wait until you have some free time before you attempt, because it will be hard to put down once you start.
Hi Lauren
I read Hunger Games in a single sitting, could not put it down! Then with the other two books available… you'll want to allot a couple of days to reading them… so good! Not to worry about coming later to the party, better to be later than never come at all!
Dottie 🙂
Jane and Dottie: Looks like I'll have to find a good time to read this trilogy then…with little distractions in the ways!
I haven't read my copy yet. You're not alone.
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~whispers~ I haven't read them yet either. *-* …no worries.