I Was Tagged – Get To Know Me

Posted February 7, 2012 by shooting in Uncategorized / 1 Comment

I don’t normally do a lot of these blog games or whatnot, but then again, I’m not normally tagged. However, I was today and I figured I’d go ahead and play along. By the way, this is Lauren! 🙂

Tagged by Courtney from The Everything Soap Blog.

The Rules

  • Post these rules
  • Post 11 random things about yourself
  • Answer 11 questions that the tagger has created for you in their tag post
  • Create 11 new questions for the people you tag
  • Pick 11 people to tag and go to each person’s blog that you chose to let them know they’ve been tagged
  • No spamming people – just let them know they’ve been tagged

11 Random Things About Me

1. I’m 21 years old, but I don’t drink alcohol. I love sparkling grape juice though!

2. I would love to be a teen librarian, and I’m planning to go to Grad school for Library Science.

3. I have a dog named Luana. She’s part Alaskan Huskey, but her name is Hawaiian. It means “happy and content.”

4. I actually really love foreign films. “Life is Beatiful” is amazing, and I recommend! It’s an Italian film. I also really love Just a Question of Love, a French film.

5. If I could do anything in the world (meaning I actually had the talent), I would love to be on Broadway.

6. Going along with number five…I don’t have the talent to an actor/singer, but one of my goals in life is to write and have one of my own plays performed on stage.

7. I’m really bad at talking about myself, whether it’s exciting news or not. My sister tends to tell people more about me than I do.

8. In my everyday life, people are often surprised that I have a brother. I do though. He’s married, with a little girl, and in the Army.

9. I’m addicted to the restaurant The Melting Pot. I just love fondue. It’s amazing.

10. A friend of mine has me obsessed with cupcakes, because she’s always making them and with homemade, amazing icing. Yum!

11. And finally…my friends are such nerds we have “parties” with themes like Glee night, Zombie night, and Harry Potter night.

Questions from Courtney for Me to Answer

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be?

I would love to visit England. I know it’s not that exciting but it’s somewhere I’ve always wanted to go. A friend of mine is studying in Spain right now though, so visiting there to see him would be great.  

What was your first kiss like?

Okay, I’ll be honest. Never had one, so I don’t know yet!

What is your all-time favorite food?

Oh gosh, I don’t know. I love this ham my mom makes. Fondue!! Umm…chinese food. I like food!

What is the funniest sneaky thing you’ve ever done?

I don’t know! Good question though. How boring, but I honestly can’t think of anything right now.

What do you hate doing more than anything else?

I really hate cleaning, like vaccuming or dusting. Hate it!

Who do you like talking to the most?

I love talking to my mom. She’s one of my best friends. I tell her almost everything.

What is your biggest regret?

Hmm…maybe not being as open or talkative in high school. I think I did okay though. I don’t really have big regrets.

What joke do you remember off the top of your head?

“Why don’t you play games with animals in the forest?”

Answer: “Because some animals are cheetahs!”

It was on ELLEN yesterday!!

What’s the scariest story you’ve ever heard?

I don’t really have a STORY, but I used to be totally scared of the Blood Mary story when I was little. I thought it was real and mirrors freaked me out.

Who makes you mad more often than anyone else?

I don’t know, my immediate family and close friends all make me equally mad at times. I think it’s just part of being close to people!!

If you had a million dollars, what’s the first thing you would buy?

I would buy something for my mom. She doesn’t really shop for herself, and she totally deserves it. So yeah, that! Or I’d treat my family to a really nice vacation!!

The People I Tag

Okay, I’m cheating. I’m supposed to now tag 11 people and come up with 11 questions for YOU to answer. I’m cheating because I’m no good at singling people out for these types of things, and it would probably take me ages to pick 11 people. LOL At any rate, if you are reading this, I TAG YOU! That means you are suckered into being tagged and now must do this. Just kidding, only if you really want too. Leave a comment here though if you do it, and I’ll come check it out and leave a comment for you as well.

As for my questions for you. Answer the ones I answered! I’m curious!

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