The lovely Laura from Cinderella11pm has written a little note for my blog readers. She does huge, wonderful giveaways almost every week. I wish I could do this, as I love giving to others…so it’s great to see people doing it when they can for all the right reasons. Now, here’s Laura:
I pay for them myself out of my own heart, brain and wallet. No advertising yet, it just comes from me – I believe that giving is an endless circle of goodness, and I like to share what I can when I can in a situation like this.
The cyber world is a really interesting one, and when I was at the lowest point in my life – making blog friends gave me a lifeline to support and encouragement. This is my way of paying it forward:)
So go and check out Laura’s blog. Follow along, spread the word, and enter this week’s giveaway for a $300 gift card to P.F. Changs. If I were more selfish, I’d tell you NOT to enter so I have better odds of winning…but hey, I gotta share this immense love, if only for Laura and what she’s doing.
Thank you – I really appreciate it!
Awww. Thank you. Sniff. You really touched me with this.
Things like this make me remember how truly kind the blogging community really IS.
Am e-mailing you tonight:)
Great post. Sadly, I won't be entering the giveaway since the closest P.F. Changs to me is about 150 miles away, but I'll definitely keep my eye on that blog.
Wow, this is so generous. I love the thought behind it.
I can't enter this week though, since I don't like in the US and I don't know what the P.F. Changs is.
Also thanks so much for the comment on my blog and the link to the scholarship, unfortunately I'm not from the US like I said, and don't think that makes me eligible.
So, I do not really think this will work.