New Covers Revealed -Boyfriend from Hell + Earth Angel

Posted November 17, 2011 by shooting in Uncategorized / 1 Comment

Author E. Van Lowe has redesigned his book covers with an older audience in mind. I’ve read Boyfriend from Hell (the first in his new series) and it’s definitely something that teens and adults would both like….so I think it’s kind of fun to have some sexier, more mature covers.

Remember, if you are in a book club or want to form a mini book club just for this…we have a giveaway going to win a personal visit from E. Van Lowe himself. I posted about this awhile ago but things have changed a bit.

No official deadline yet but it will be in the new year sometime.
You need at least 5 people to buy a copy of Boyfriend from Hell to enter.
You must be from the U.S. (excluding Hawaii and Alaska, sorry!!)
Once you have your five copies purchased, send a picture of your club with the books or the reciepts…whatever you have to prove it here: lauren51990 AT aol DOT com and you are entered!!!
I am going to try and find some fun runner-up prizes as well, so that a few clubs win SOMETHING for being so kind as to enter.

Support the art of book clubs, support indie authors, support reading!!!

Send questions to the above email too. Spread the word. Enter now!!

The sequel, Earth Angel, comes out on December 6th. Here is the redone cover for that one-

And if you win the book club giveaway and get a visit from E. Van Lowe, he has some new bookmarks to bring along that he wanted me to share:

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