Review: Remind Me to Hate You Later

Posted June 5, 2023 by shooting in Book Review / 3 Comments

Remind Me To Hate You Later by Lizzy Mason

Thank you to Bloomsbury YA for sending me a copy; all opinions are my own

Part 1 of this book follows Jules. She’s struggling with mental health issues, and it’s exacerbated by her mom being a blogger/influencer. While she no longer posts photos of Jules, she still talks about her, and it’s hard living a life that everyone can pick apart online.

Part 2 of this book follows Natalie, who is Jules’ best friend. It’s not a spoiler to say that Jules dies by suicide, which is why the book ends up following Natalie. Now we’re dealing with her grief, anger, and confusion. She gets close to Jules’ boyfriend, but that brings its own type of guilt.

Remind Me To Hate You Later is definitely a tough read, in terms of emotions. I really liked it though and I thought it handled the topic of mental health well. It also makes you think about online personalities and how that affects the people you drag into that world, like a parent writing about their child. I do think parents should read this one, as well as teens. Be aware of content and trigger warnings though!

3 responses to “Review: Remind Me to Hate You Later

  1. Jules does sound like she’s having a rough time! I would not be pleased if my parent was writing about me on social media. Especially, if they were well known! I’d feel betrayed if my best friend opted for suicide. I wouldn’t be able to help that even if I knew she was suffering mentally. I think it would be hard not to take that personally even if it had nothing to do with me.

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