(Review) Emily the Strange + Song!

Posted June 13, 2009 by shooting in Uncategorized / 9 Comments

Emily the Strange: The Lost Days by Rob Reger and Jessica Gruner
Review by: Lauren
Also for: http://www.teensreadtoo.com/

Emily the Strange has been all over t-shirts, comics, stickers, and more…but now she’s ready to star in her very own book! One problem though. She has amnesia and has no idea who she is and why she’s in some strange town called Blackrock. While exploring the town, she comes across the El Dungeon and its barista Raven, four wandering black cats, and an old alley out back the shop. Emily adopts all these places as her new home and family, while at the same time trying to figure out what is going on! It isn’t until she’s mistaken as Molly Merriweather that Emily finally figures out a legitimate plan on how to end this whole fiasco and suddenly she’s on her way to finding out the mystery behind herself and this strange town that is even weirder than she first thought.

The Lost Days is one crazy book, that’s for sure, but it’s also a lot of fun. Readers need to lose their belief in reality and just go for the ride with Emily and her cast of companions. Most things in this book aren’t believable but that’s simply part of its quirky charm. As the novel is Emily’s notebook, you’ll find drawings and “photos” throughout it which add to the fun of reading this book. I for one can’t wait for more Emily adventures!

My Song Pick for Book: “People are Strange” by The Doors

Why? I think it’s pretty self-explanatory, yeah?

9 responses to “(Review) Emily the Strange + Song!

  1. I just finished The Lost Days. I love Emily and also cannot wait for more of her. I put a hold on a couple of her graphic novels at the library so I could get more of her before the next book. Glad to hear you liked her as well.


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