Show Us Your Books – Books for All Age Groups!

Posted August 14, 2018 by shooting in Book Review / 39 Comments

It’s time for Show Us Your Books with Jana and Steph. This is a monthly link up – every Second Tuesday of the month – where you share reviews of the books you’ve been reading. Follow along, and get some great book recommendations, and/or link up yourself!

Show Us Your Books: A Little Something for Everyone! #bookbloggers #ontheblog Share on X

Here are the books that I’ve read/reviewed since the last Show Us Your Books-

Imperial Stout by Layla Reyne – the review here

Tight Quarters by Annabeth Albert – the review here

Kid Normal by Greg James and Chris Smith – the review here 

All That Glitters by Kate Sherwood – the review here 

middle grade graphic novel

All Summer Long by Hope Larson – the review here 

Go To Sleep, Little Creep by David Quinn – the review here

sink or swim by l.a. witt

Sink or Swim by L.A. Witt – the review here 

LGBT+ MG Novel

Ivy Aberdeen’s Letter to the World by Ashley Herring Blake – the review here 

We Don’t Eat Our Classmates by Ryan T. Higgins – the review here 

Piggy: Let’s Be Friends by Trevor Lai – the review here 


Whew! We’ve reached the end. Do any of these stand out to you? I’d love to know which ones you would like to read now!

39 responses to “Show Us Your Books – Books for All Age Groups!

  1. RO

    Wow! Lots to choose from, and I love that there are some kiddie ones too that I can pass on to my grand daughter. Hugs…RO

  2. So many to choose from! I always enjoy seeing what bloggers are reading – I’ve discovered so many books after reading reviews and I feel like I’m always adding to my TBR list. Ivy Aberdeen’s letter to the world sounds like a great book.

  3. LOL I missed a few of these reviews, the “We Don’t Eat Our Classmates” cover made me laugh, I’ll have to check that one out for my kiddo!

  4. I need to go through your site and find some MG suggestions. My daughter is struggling for books right now. She doesn’t like fantasy or Harry Potter or anything like that and most of what she finds in MG is in that realm. No pun intended.

  5. Don’t Eat Your Classmates looks fun. I was at the library yesterday and I felt a rush of nostalagia as I walked through the picture book section with my kids. They are 9 and 7 and don’t read them anymore. It is fun that you review them. You managed to get through such an eclectic range of books. Props to you.

  6. I like the cover for Ivy Aberdeen’s Letter to the World, it looks interesting. The kids books look cute too. I should review some children’s books on my blog, I wonder if they could count towards my Goodreads challenge?

  7. I love that you have such a great mix here. You know I will have to check out those children’s titles for my littles! We don’t eat our classmates looks adorable.

  8. I just read a review for We Don’t Eat Our Classmates from a GR friend and it looks so cute! I need to get a copy. The cover of Go To Sleep Little Creep cracks me up. 🙂

  9. I love how widely and varied you read Lauren, it’s why we can all count on you for a great recommendation for our next reads. I absolutely love the cover for Ivy Aberdeen’s Letter to the World, so eye catching! I love illustrated covers for young adult books, they practically jump of the shelf yelling READ ME! Looking forward to checking out your reviews and picking up a few new reads myself ♡♡♡

    Kelly recently posted: Muse of Nightmares

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