Not Mine!
The TLC Auctions are still going on…and you don’t want to miss out on the final auctions. We have some signed books, a couple writing critique’s, and even some other non-bookish prizes that could still use your love and attention. Please check them out and bid if you can! But if you can’t or aren’t interested in the items, inform people you know…your readers, friends, and family. Tweet about it, facebook it, and even blog about it. If you blog…leave me a note in the comments here and I’ll go and comment on one of your posts as a thank you!!
Now…here are some of the items you can grab:
Ends Saturday!
Signed Copy of All About Vee by Leigh Purtill
Cafe Press items (Big Bang Theory button + More)
Ends Sunday!
Ten Page MS Critique from Debut YA Author
Signed UK Copy of The Iron Witch by Karen Mahoney
Ends Next Tuesday!
Signed ARC of Demon Hunting in Dixie by Lexi George
Ends Next Thursday!
Signed copy of The Gathering by Kelley Armstrong
Signed ARC of Boyfriend from Hell by E. Van Lowe
What great items you have available! 🙂