This week’s topic: Top Ten Character Names I Love or Top Ten Unusual Character Names
I’m not going to specify what side of this week’s topic I’m choosing, because my favorite character names tend to be the more unusual/unique ones.
1. Draco Malfoy – I love that his first name means Dragon; it’s very suitable for this prickly character.
2. Sherlock Holmes– his name just seems to scream intelligence. It’s a smart-sounding name.
3. Amelia Mignonette Grimaldi Thermopolis Renaldo– the Princess Diaries books are enjoyable, and I just love Mia’s full name – very fun to try and say!
4. Severus Snape– yes, another Harry Potter name, and the last, I promise! I just think this one is suitable for his character.
5. Katniss Everdeen– one of those instances where the name describes the character so well, and I just love how pretty it sounds, despite it’s oddness.
6. Holden Caulfield– I like that the first name almost seems to say “hold em'” which means sense if you’ve read The Catcher in the Rye.
7. Atticus Finch – the name just makes me smile; it sounds like it belongs to a great guy.
8. Newland Archer– this is a character from The Age of Innocence. I just love the way the name sounds!
9. Dorian Gray – love how posh this name sounds!
10. Dean Moriarty– character from On the Road. I love how the name exudes cool and ease, just like the character behind it.
I really love the name Amelia
My Top Ten
I have Atticus Finch on my list this week. An amazing name for a great character!
I love all your picks! Holden C. is a fantastic and memorable name, and ALL the Harry Potter names are fabulous and most of them mean something, which I appreciate. And Newland Archer is an excellent-sounding name.
Thank you for sharing.
Harry Potter has some of the weirdest but most unique names. So does The Hunger Games–I read somewhere that they all came from actual words. Like Peeta is from Pita (a bread) and so on.
Lovely post, hun! <33
Oh, I ddin;t know Draco meant dragon! You're right, though, it does suit him. 🙂
Ooh, yay another Princess Diaries fan!
Lol I remember Amelia! I always wanted to have a middle name so I could feel like princess myself xD Anyhow I love your list and most of these would be on mine too. I'd just add Chaol from Throne of Glass 🙂
What a great post, Amelia Mignonette Grimaldi Thermopolis Renaldo is a great example.
You do realise I'm now going to spend the day thinking of which characters would feature on my list.
I absolutely love the name Draco – it's awesome!!
Great list. I included Hermione in my list, but there are so many great names in the HP series. You could probably have an entire top 10 from just those books. I included a Holden from a different series. I love that name.
Here is my TTT:
Some really great names! Sherlock Holmes is such an iconic name now, you have to love it. My TTT
Mia's full name is ridiculous and fantastic.
I love Atticus Finch!
The name Holden is great too. I also love the name Severus Snape, and oddly enough, there's a boy in kindergarten w/my daughter, named Draco. She does not trust him.
Those Harry Potter names are all pretty wonderful. Rowling just had such a deft hand with naming. Thanks for sharing your list!
Interesting post, There is a lot said about a character just in the name. I just finished a book with a character named Eglantine Frye.
Hermione was a new name to me too.
These are great picks, many of them are names I love too!
Dorian Gray is so close to my name its weird.
Thanks for sharing your list <3
Our List
Doris @ Owl Always Be Reading
Ooh I love all these names! Especially Katniss, Holden an Draco. Really all of the Harry Potter names are so fantastic. Great list!
Tons have said Katniss or Draco, i see a pattern!
Check out my Top 10
I love the name Katniss as well. And Dorian Gray DOES sound posh! I like the name Draco, but all I can picture is HIM so I wouldn't probably ever use it for a pet or something.
Oh wow, I LOVE your choices. If I had participated this week, I wouldn't have been very creative – I would have just chosen all HP names, haha. But you came up with a whole range of names. I love how you pointed out how cool or intelligent or posh or how much of a great guy the names make the character sound – I've never considered your examples before, but you are SO right! Great choices and reasonings, Lauren!
Some of these names seemed so strange at first but they're part of the culture now and seem perfectly normal lol
Not that I would want to name my kid Sherlock though
Draco was such a perfect name for a villain in the Harry Potter series. It so worked. Severus too because he was so severe. 🙂
How could I have forgot Sherlock and Holden?! LOVE those names.
Also think Atticus is really cool – kind of like the name of one of the Greek gods.
Thanks for stopping by my TTT 🙂
– Allie @ Little Birdie Books
I love Mia, I relate to her in so many ways!