Tune in Tuesday with Rush

Posted April 29, 2014 by shooting in Uncategorized / 14 Comments

Tune in Tuesday comes from Tales of Books and Bands

In honor of Holocaust Remembrance Week, I wanted to share a song that was inspired by the Holocaust and concentration camps. Taken from Wikipedia, here is some information behind the song:

Lyricist Neil Peart has stated that the detailed imagery in the song intentionally evokes concentration camps of the Holocaust. Peart has stated that while Nazi concentration camps of World War II were his primary lyrical motivation, he decided to abstract the lyrics so as to apply to the experiences of atrocity of any similar prison camp scenario. It also has to do with singer/bassist Geddy Lee’s remembrance of his mother’s accounts of the Holocaust, which she survived.

“Red Sector A” by Rush

All that we can do is just survive
All that we can do to help ourselves is stay alive

I hear the sound of gunfire at the prison gate
Are the liberators here?
Do I hope or do I fear?

14 responses to “Tune in Tuesday with Rush

  1. I've heard of Rush but I'd never heard this song, and I certainly never knew they wrote a song about the Holocaust. Thank you for sharing!

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