Waiting on Wednesday: Goodbye, Rebel Blue

Posted August 7, 2013 by shooting in Uncategorized / 13 Comments

Waiting on Wednesday, brought to you by Breaking the Spine.

Goodbye, Rebel Blue by Shelley Coriell

Release Date: October 1, 2013

Official Summary: Rebecca Blue is a rebel with an attitude whose life is changed by a chance encounter with a soon-to-be dead girl. Rebel (as she’s known) decides to complete the dead girl’s bucket list to prove that choice, not chance, controls her fate. In doing so, she unexpectedly opens her mind and heart to a world she once dismissed-a world of friendships, family, and faith. With a shaken sense of self, she must reevaluate her loner philosophy-particularly when she falls for Nate, the golden boy do-gooder who never looks out for himself.

Why I Want This: I’ve come across a few books where someone does another person’s bucket list, and I always like the idea, but I don’t remember ever actually reading one. However, I do want to check out Rebel Blue for the interesting premise and what seems to be some lovely characters. You know me, I love some great characterization.

What are you waiting on this week?

13 responses to “Waiting on Wednesday: Goodbye, Rebel Blue

  1. This sounds like it could be good! The premise didn't immediately appeal to me at first, but the more I come across this book, I more I realise I actually want to read it. And October isn't too far away, either. Great pick. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. I actually really like the sound of this book. Books that touch you with a lot of emotions I've been loving recently, so I have a great feeling about this book too. Great pick! ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. I am SO excited for this one, and normally, I'm not that excited for contemporaries. But I also really like the idea of someone else completing a person's bucket list. It also seems like there is some great characterization in this story, which I always love to see.

    Awesome pick!! <3

  4. I love the idea of a bucket list-I've actually had a few friends compose them before milestone birthdays and it's so interesting what makes the list and what happens as they pursue the items on there.

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