{Gift Guide} Young Adult Books

Posted December 12, 2021 by shooting in Discussion / 11 Comments

How is your holiday shopping going? Looking for some books as gifts? I already shared my Adult Fiction and Nonfiction Book Gift Guide, as well as the Babies to Middle School Book Gift Guide. Today, I’m finally sharing my…

Gift Guide: Young Adult Books

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YA Books I Read This Year

Autoboyography is an LGBT+ novel and one that I gave 5 stars. I just adored it!

Called Upon was kind of a surprise read for me this year! I really enjoyed it, and I love the mysteries and twists.

Violet Ghosts is about a transgender teen who has had a ghost best friend for years. Suddenly, she’s seeing other ghosts, and she has to figure out how to help them. It’s a darker read – with some heavy topics addressed – but oh so good!

This Poison Heart was amazing. There will be at least one more book, which I didn’t realize until I finished this one. I assumed it was a standalone. This is the author who wrote Cinderella is Dead, which I liked, but This Poison Heart is so much better.

None Shall Sleep is perfect for people who love mysteries/thrillers/true crime. It’s a YA book, but the main characters are in college, which I love seeing!

The Hollow Inside has so much included – family issues, the MC being LGBT+, past wrongs trying to be made right, and lots of mysteries and suspense. Highly recommend.

This Is Why We Lie was a really good mystery. I didn’t piece it all together, which is fun!

A Quiet Kind of Thunder was a really beautiful contemporary novel. There was a lot in the book, specifically about anxiety and depression, that I could relate to.

The Girl From the Sea is an LGBT+ graphic novel that was really enjoyable and beautifully illustrated.

 YA Books I Want to Read

  • click the images to learn more about these books

The Corpse Queen by Heather M. Herrman

Time Will Tell by Barry Lyga (which I was recently gifted)

The Girls Are Never Gone by Sarah Glenn Marsh

The Other Merlin by Robyn Schneider

After the Ink Dries by Cassie Gustafson (Author) Emma Vieceli (Illustrator)

If This Gets Out by Sophie Gonzales and Cale Dietrich

Have you read any of these? See any that interest you? 

11 responses to “{Gift Guide} Young Adult Books

  1. I’ve had Autoboyography on my shelf for years but haven’t read it yet even though I love Christina Lauren and LGBT+ YA novels! Hopefully I’ll read it this year. The Hollow Inside sounds really good!

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