Saturday Night Live: Neil Patrick Harris

Posted January 11, 2009 by shooting in Uncategorized / 9 Comments

Saturday Night Live Review
By: Lauren

Saturday Night Live has just ended, with host Neil Patrick Harris and musical guest Taylor Swift. I enjoy SNL and think they have a lot of great comedians (some of my favorites are Andy Samberg, Seth Myers, Bill Hader, and Casey Wilson), but I don’t always watch the show unless I’m a fan of the host or musical guest…and even then, the full episode isn’t absolutely hilarious. However, I really enjoyed Neil Patrick Harris and think he did a fabulous job.

Harris’ monologue in the beginning hosted a few of the regular cast making “how I met your mother” jokes in the fashion of “your mom.” It ended on a great note with Andy Samberg coming out as Mark Wahlberg and telling Harris to “say hello to the cast of how I met your mother for me,” playing off an old sketch where he told animals to “say hello to your mother for me.” The Digital Short was hilarious as well, and that’s with no words being spoken at all! How cool is that?

One of the highlights for me as a musical fan is the sketch where characters from various Broadway musicals got together to brainstorm ways to save Broadway, since so many shows are actually closing. The meeting was held by the Phantom of the Opera and Mark, from RENT, who was played by Harris. As well as loving musicals in general, I’m a huge RENT fan and my favorite character is probably Mark so this was definitely amazing! Others who attended the meeting were a Cat, The Wicked Witch, The Blue Man Group, and the girls from Chicago.

Overall, I think this was an awesome SNL, with a fun musical guest as well. Next week, the host will be Rosario Dawson and I’m quite excited!

9 responses to “Saturday Night Live: Neil Patrick Harris

  1. I was totally stoked about the Rent reference in the Broadway too! I’m a huge Rent fan too, so I was literally overjoyed seeing Harris doing “Mark”… =)And what was more amazing was when the cast busted out “Seasons of Love”.

    But heck yes for the whole Musical skit in general!

    I’m watching it right now, so I’m going to go finish it. It’s right at the Doogie Howser theme song performance skit! =)

  2. I saw this too, it was sooo funny! I loved it! did you see how taylor swift acted after performing? That was kind of odd, why do you think she did that? I just got curious, I’m guessing she was just really excited.

  3. The digital short was my favorite too!

    Like Robin I thought the way Taylor acted after her first performance was odd. I mean, I guess if she’s never performed on SNL it could have been exciting for her, but it struck me as strange too. 😛

  4. Jamie: Oh yes, the “Seasons of Love” bit was awesome. Musicals (especially Rent) are awesome, so it was ah-mazing, and hilarious of course!
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts!!!

    Alea: Aw, I’m sorry. Maybe you could find some clips online?

    Robin: LOL I did notice that. My sister said she’s done it before, so I think if it’s a new experience or something, she just gets excited! As long as she’s having fun, I suppose!

    And yay for finding the show funny! I forgot to mention this, but Taylor’s part in the Musical Sketch was hilarious as well.

    “I’ve had a hard knock life, okay?”

    Amee: haha definitely! The tear at the end was simply priceless.


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