Sunday Post (10): I’m Late, I’m Late!!

Posted January 18, 2016 by shooting in Uncategorized / 21 Comments

Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer

I really meant to get this posted, or at least scheduled, at some point yesterday but my mom and I started cleaning out a lot of junk in my room. I guess it’s that time of the year. You get organized and start afresh! My room is looking nice now though, so I’m glad it’s mostly finished with. I still have a few bookcases I really need to go through, though I’ve already run through a lot of my books. I can’t believe what I hold onto sometimes!

Anyone else cleaning out their rooms or houses? Purging some unneeded books? (I know, it’s not always easy!)

On a different note, I like to go to as many library events as I can, especially the ones where we get to make crafts. I haven’t had time to take a photo of the last project I made, so hopefully I can do that this week (as well as whatever I make tomorrow night) and share them next Sunday. I thought it would be a fun addition to Sunday Post!

Last Week on Let’s Get Beyond Tolerance – my LGBT+ entertainment/news blog

Tuesday: What We Left Behind by Robin Talley (book review)

Thursday: Etsy Pride (13): Necklace and Serving Set

Saturday: Teen Wolf’s Charlie Carver Comes Out 

-I have another book review for tomorrow, so be sure to stop by and check that out too!

This Week on Shooting Stars Mag

Ugh, I’m still not ahead on posts. I did so well last fall in getting ahead…at any rate, I do have lots of books I need to review so there will be at LEAST one non-fiction book review and probably another m/m romance review. We’ll see on exact titles and the rest! 🙂


Question – I share a lot of LGBT+ artists on my other blog; would you like me to share videos of other music I’m currently loving on Shooting Stars?

21 responses to “Sunday Post (10): I’m Late, I’m Late!!

  1. Coincidentally, I cleaned out my shelves just today. I have two boxes of books for my local library. It feels good to purge. Plus I need to make room for BEA this year. I am hoping to get a ton of books there.

  2. I haven't gotten anything done at all with the blog. I've been incredibly busy for the last few weeks. At least you're able to write some. Gah! Anyway, have a great week, Lauren!

  3. New years are always a great time for starting over and starting afresh 🙂 I guess I've been doing a lot of purging and cleaning too, but in my case it's associated with moving into my new place! It's the times that I move that I realize I have too much crap that I don't need, haha

  4. Yep, I have been cleaning and purging since Christmas and we have gotten rid of so much stuff. I have one cupboard and my closet left and then I will have gone through almost the whole house. It feels great to get it done. I went through all my books and took two huge bag fulls down to the library last week, they were delighted. It is better for the books and magazines to be in a place where they will be read and used than sitting on my shelf collecting dust.

  5. You should see the pile I have ready to deliver to the Goodwill. I'm so proud of myself, but I have to get it all out of my garage before I miss something and start plowing through it to bring it back into the house.

    Good luck on your library events.

  6. That's great you cleaned out your room. I have so many rooms I should clear out once, but I can't seem to make the time for it. And I am horrible at putting away books, I just can't stand to do any books away even if I don't read them. I hope you'll have a rgeat week!

  7. I love the characters on Teen Wolf, and how it is so open about the sexuality of them. I love the way you run your blog, and anything you share I'm sure will be great! Thanks for visiting my Sunday Post earlier.

  8. Agh I HATE cleaning and getting rid of things. XD Although my mum did a massive cleanout of my sister's room and I only narrowly avoided the same fate. 😉 I did manage to sort out my work desk though, a little….*gulps* It's still a catastrophe. BUT I NEED MORE BOOKSHELVES. That'd solve all my problems. XD

  9. We actually did a lot of cleaning and sorting in the fall.. but I already think we need to do it again. With six people living here, there's definitely a lot of stuff in our house.
    I hope you'll have a great week, and that you'll get somewhat caught up on your posts.
    Happy reading.
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

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