Month: November 2012

The Big Sleep by Raymond Chandler + Make it a Gift

Posted November 28, 2012 by shooting in Uncategorized / 0 Comments

The Big Sleep by Raymond Chandler Review by Lauren this is my copy, all opinions are still my own Official Summary: When a dying millionaire hires Philip Marlowe to handle the blackmailer of one of his two troublesome daughters, Marlowe finds himself involved with more than extortion. Kidnapping, poronography, seduction, and murder are just a few […]

E is for Etching Expressions

Posted November 26, 2012 by shooting in Uncategorized / 0 Comments

  E is for Etching Expressions Like them on Facebook Follow them on Twitter We were sent a wine bottle for review, but all opinions are our own Review by Lauren Review: I’ve seen Etching Expressions around for awhile now and I knew I wanted to feature them on my holiday gift guide. Luckily, they […]

Happy Thanksgiving!

Posted November 22, 2012 by shooting in Uncategorized / 0 Comments

Happy Thanksgiving to all my American blog readers! I hope everyone has a nice day tomorrow. I don’t really like Thanksgiving, because the food is not my thing. Besides that, though, it’s nice to be off school and just relax. I’ll be doing Black Friday shopping with a friend. Personally, I don’t mind the shops […]

Let Me Be Your Gift Guru and/or Party Planner

Posted November 20, 2012 by shooting in Uncategorized / 0 Comments

do not own     I can’t believe Thanksgiving is this Thursday, but I’m so excited that the holidays are finally upon us. I’ve been planning out gifts all year long. Yeah, I’m a bit obsessed, but I really like giving people gifts…it’s fun to come up with unique items I think they will like, or […]

Review: Modern Greetings

Posted November 16, 2012 by shooting in Uncategorized / 0 Comments

Modern Greetings Review by Lauren and Chris I was given a gift code to check out items from the site, but all opinions are my own Review: I actually let my mom peruse the website and I went through the process of ordering the items that she picked out. She ended up getting two different […]

Modern Greetings- Win a Second Honeymoon

Posted November 15, 2012 by shooting in Uncategorized / 0 Comments

The lovely shop, Modern Greetings, is hosting a fabulous giveaway for those of you out there that are married (and I know you’re there!) The prize: A Second Honeymoon! There will be four, separate giveaways (so you have four chances to win, though you can only win one time) and the first one is going on […]

Guest Review- Cold Fury by T.M. Goeglein

Posted November 14, 2012 by shooting in Uncategorized / 4 Comments

Cold Fury by T.M. Goeglein Guest Review by Kari copy sent for review, but all opinions are our own Official Summary: Sara Jane Rispoli is a normal sixteen-year-old coping with school and a budding romance–until her parents and brother are kidnapped and she discovers her family is deeply embedded in the Chicago Outfit (aka the […]

C is for Coton Colors + D is for Diamond Candles

Posted November 12, 2012 by shooting in Uncategorized / 5 Comments

C is for Coton Colors The above photo is the founder, Laura Johnson. Her site says, “Founded in 1995 by Laura Johnson, an entrepreneurial artisan inspired by the celebrations of her own life, Coton Colors is a manufacturer of colorful, handcrafted pottery, creative giftware and seasonal pieces to live life in style. The unique and […]