Month: March 2008

Review: The Remorse Code

Posted March 23, 2008 by shooting in Uncategorized / 0 Comments

The Remorse The first time I heard these guys, I was amazed. I couldn’t believe they weren’t signed. Their music is more than catchy and their lyrics are more than clever. These are the kinds of songs that get stuck in my head all day.Each song has a unique, infectious sound. Every song is […]

Author Interview: Jennifer E. Smith

Posted March 23, 2008 by shooting in Uncategorized / 2 Comments

Jennifer E., Jennifer E. Smith, was kind enough to answer our questions about her novel The Comeback Season (including a one line summary!), her favorite books and authors, and what she is currently working on (and what we can now look forward too!). 1.Can you remember around the time you first became interested in […]

Review: That was Something

Posted March 23, 2008 by shooting in Uncategorized / 0 Comments

That Was Something’s debut, BEARS, is good, but it sounds like every other no name band I randomly download. it would be ok had the lyrics been clever, but there was not ironic phrasing to toy with my mind after listening. I probably wouldn’t be able to recognize them if you played the album again, […]

Actor: Justin Chon

Posted March 23, 2008 by shooting in Uncategorized / 2 Comments

Just Justin!www.justinchon.comBy: Lauren Justin Chon starred as Tony in the Nickelodeon show Just Jordan, but this year, you will see him on the big screen!He will be found in the movie Crossing Over, which is also stars Harrison Ford and Sean Penn, as well as in Twilight, based on the novel, in the role of […]

Actor: Reece Thompson

Posted March 23, 2008 by shooting in Uncategorized / 1 Comment

Reece Lauren Actor Reece Thompson is still starting out in his career…being only 19. But being only 19, he seems to be headed in the right direction. He starred in the film Rocket Science as the lead role, Hal Hefner, a stuttering boy who gets taken under the wing of a fellow student, […]

Guest Blog: Doree Lewak

Posted March 17, 2008 by shooting in Uncategorized / 0 Comments

Welcome to our very first Guest Blogger, Doree Lewak. Her novel The PanicYears comes out this Tuesday, and starting this Tuesday, she’ll have a blog in the Myspace book section, so stay tuned for that!Add her:, read her blog! The Panic Years: Your best friend just picked out a $450 diamond-encrusted sleeping bag that […]

Old Book Reviews

Posted March 1, 2008 by shooting in Uncategorized / 0 Comments

These are the reviews we have put up on our myspace thus far. Once we fill up on there, we’ll move them into the newest issue we have up, like we are doing now, so that people can still read the old reviews.Add us and see more reviews, etc. on Thirteen Reasons Why by […]