2019 Summer Bucket List

Posted June 25, 2019 by shooting in Cincinnati, Personal / 31 Comments

I’m a little late with this post, but oh well! The official start of Summer was on June 21 so it’s time for me to share my 2019 Summer Bucket List. Normally I’d go back and see how I did for my previous seasonal bucket list, but we’re just going to ignore Spring and move on. HAH! I hope I have better luck with the Summer bucket list (some of these will be things from my Spring bucket list that I’m just carrying over).
2019 Summer Bucket List: What I want to see, do, and experience this summer #ontheblog #summerbucketlist Click To Tweet

2019 Summer Bucket List

  1. See a movie at the drive-in theater
  2. Go to King’s Island (theme park or water park)
  3. Make S’mores (I found gluten-free graham crackers!)
  4. Read 2 Celebrity Memoirs (I have a bunch of them, but I’ll go easy on myself and say at least two)
  5. Start my Project Life album for London
  6. Write or Publish all my posts for New York (for these next two, even if I don’t publish them, I want them all at least written out in some way!)
  7. Write or Publish all my posts for London
  8. Finish up iZombie on Netflix (there are 4 seasons on there, and I’m on season three right now)
  9. Start losing weight again (I’ve been going up and down for awhile now. I don’t have a set goal for this at the moment, as long as I’m starting to lose again)
  10. Go to the Spa (I have a gift card from my birthday)
  11. Go bowling (I used to bowl with some old co-workers a lot but I haven’t been in awhile, so it would be fun to get some friends together and go!)
  12. Attend at least three library craft events!

There we go – a mostly fun Summer Bucket List. Do we have anything in common, or sort of in common? I’d love to see your bucket list if you’ve made one!

Have your own 2019 Summer Bucket List? Link up with us below! 

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31 responses to “2019 Summer Bucket List

  1. Jen

    This is a great summer bucket list! I love the idea of a drive-in movie. We don’t have any here anymore, so I am jealous. Have fun making memories 🙂

  2. My main list of things to do for summer has all revolved around my moving. Today is the day the movers move all the furniture. I’ve been painting and fixing stuff up around the house. Tonight will be the first night I spend in the house. I’m worried about how the dogs will do!

    It sounds like you have a lot of fun stuff to do this summer, and I can’t wait to read your posts about how you do at meeting your bucket list goals!

    Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature) recently posted: L-L-L-Little Reviews: Five 5-Star Adult Contemporary Romances
  3. (Sigh) If only we had drive-in theatres here.

    A great list.

    Alas a bit like making a New Year’s Eve resolution I think my composing such a list would only end in my feeling a sense of disappointment rather than satisfaction. Oh well, there’s always next year.

    Tracy Terry recently posted: SLICK.
  4. I would totally do your buck list! Actually I have a few items on my own list 🙂
    E.g. losing weight is on every list I have LOL My hubby LOVES the drive-in so he has been talking about this for a while and S’mores are a family favorite (Yay for founding gluten-free graham crackers!)
    Can’t wait to see your Life album for London

  5. San

    Great list! I’ve been wanting to go to the drive-in movie theater in forever! I should put that on my summer bucket list.

  6. Yay for NYC posts! I’d definitely read those! I have two celebrity memoirs, Troublemaker by Leah Remini and Why Not Me? by Mindy Kaling on my bookshelf waiting to be read. Sounds like you have a fun summer planned! I just posted my bucket list today 🙂

  7. Great list. Gluten-free grahams? Wow! Need to find some. Love the drive-in idea, looks like a few good movies coming out this summer…FINALLY. And King’s Island? Yes! We are going to Hurricane Harbor in Dallas. Super excited about that.

    Hope you can get your Project Life started for the London trip and at least an outline of the trip on paper. Sometimes just making notes of what you want to always remember and take away from the trip can help til you get to writing everything up.

    So glad you joined us. Grab your pals and enjoy bowling and have a restful spa day.

    Leslie Clingan recently posted: Promised Land: Short Story Prompt, 06.2019
  8. Ohhh the drive in is SO much fun, and I haven’t been in about 8 or 9 years! I love it because they play 2 movies for the price of one at ours… but I used to always fall asleep because the second movie wouldn’t start until around 11 or so.

  9. That is a VERY fun summer bucket list! I really hope you are able to do them all! And I feel you with the weight- like I am fine with even small losses as long as it is a loss ha! Plus I feel like it’s a healthier way for me to look at it, personally. Lest I become obsessed. Are you enjoying iZombie? I have wanted to watch it because I have heard some good things and I love that so many actors from The 100 have popped up on it!

    Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight recently posted: The 100 Episode 6×08: The Old Man and the Anomaly

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