Keep It Together: Do You Keep An Address Book?

Posted May 16, 2019 by shooting in Planning / 26 Comments

Memory Keeping

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Keep It Together: Do You Keep a Physical Address Book? #ontheblog Share on X

Do You Keep An Address Book?

First off, I consider an address book a form of memory keeping – you’re keeping track of all your friends and family so you can send them snail mail in the future. I do have an address book but it’s quite old and I’d really like to get a new one. I’m sure there are a lot of addresses I need to add and/or update as well, so starting brand new would be really nice. Do you keep an address book? Or is everything online for you?

What Do You Think About These Address Books?

I thought I’d go to my trusty Etsy and see what kind of address books I could find. Let me know what you think of these in the comments! I’d love some advice on which to get.

My favorite TV show is Psych, so I kind of love all things pineapples. This is a really fun pineapple address book where you can pick the color for the cover and the divider. It’s $30, but with free shipping (for the U.S.). There are also extra pages for Anniversaries, Birthdays, Notes, etc. which I think is awesome!

Isn’t this Card File Address Book adorable? I’ve never seen anything like it! There are different designs, but I like the Paper Planes the best. This is being sold for $13.95.

Um…how cute is this? And super original! It’s an Address and Date Book in a Tiny Suitcase! It’s $27 and has free shipping in the U.S. This is a rare one, so I’m sure it’ll be going fast. I kind of love it though.

Tell me: Would you get one of these? How do you keep track of your addresses?ย 

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26 responses to “Keep It Together: Do You Keep An Address Book?

  1. All those address books are lovely – difficult to choose a favourite but I also like pineapples! I last had an address book when I was in my late teens I think – these days everyone just e-mails. But this post makes me want to dig it out and start using it ๐Ÿ™‚ I just love stationery.

    Anthea recently posted: Monday motivation
  2. I used to keep an address book when I wrote a lot of letters. I would write in pencil and then be able to erase if I needed to change the address info. Now I keep important addresses in my phone address book, which is sad in a way!

  3. I have a really, really old address book that definitely needs some updating. I love that suitcase one, so I’m going to check it out. I always find having paper copies of addresses to be more beneficial than keeping them online.

  4. I havenโ€™t kept a physical address book in years. There are some super cute ones available but for me they just arenโ€™t practical. I would always be scratching people out (new addresses, change of names, death), running out of room, being mad because people werenโ€™t in alpha order… LOL Electronic is much better for me. Without Outlook I can access my address book on any of my devices and itโ€™s super easy to edit.

  5. I used to be so good about keeping addresses in an address book. Now I have a recipe box with notecards of addresses that we used back when we were getting married, but it takes up much more room than a book would. I remember when I was little one of my favorite things to do was flip through my mom’s address book and see where all of our family and friends lived. This is motivating me to get an address book!

  6. I used to have one really nice one but then people started moving around so much that I just stared keeping them in a Word doc and occasionally printing it out so that I had a hard copy. These are nice though.

  7. I really like that card file address book.
    I used to have an address book but it got outdated so I threw it away. I should get another since I do like to send snail mail once in a while.

  8. I have an old address book in my junk drawer but it isn’t pretty and the only reason I keep it is because I think there may be some address that I’ll need in there that I don’t have on my phone. Lol, I should just toss it! ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. Jen

    I absolutely keep one and love it! I shared my Christmas list post, because I think the address book should stay a thing!

  10. I love the address books you featured here – they’re cute! I used to keep an address book, but now I’ve moved them over to my phone for the most part. I do have a part in my planner for addresses or phone numbers that I need to take down in case it’s needed, and I have a few post-it notes ready for when I start my bullet journal to write them down.

    Sophia @ Bookwyrming Thoughts recently posted: Signs Your Blog is Evolving
  11. I don’t keep track of addresses. I know where my family live and just have to google their postcodes to send mail and friends I remember or send a message if I need to post something.
    I feel like younger generations now (especially here) move a lot and it makes an address book kinda redundant.

  12. Most of my addresses are swimming around in my head. The ones I use regularly. But the rest are on a document in my Dropbox. And thank goodness, my Postal Annex keeps track of everyone I have mailed so that is a huge help. As far as email addresses go, they are in my email contacts list (of course) and on my phone. Gotta love technology until your blog gives you deceptive site warnings.

  13. I have an address book that I got years ago from Target that I love. It’s from Real Simple. I like it because it’s spiral bound and comes with extra stickers in the back to update outdated posts. And each entry has enough lines for multiple phone numbers, emails, etc – I find so many address books don’t.

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