As you can see, thanks to the picture on the left, I’m attending ALA Midwinter in San Diego. I will be there on Saturday and Sunday, most likely all day. If you’ve seen my vlogs then you should know what I look like, but if not I can post a picture, just let me know.
Anyone else out there planning on going those days? If you are leave a comment, email, or tweet me and hopefully we can meet up. I was also wondering if anyone knew of any signings going on. I only know about one so far, so any information would be appreciated.
Also, a quick question to anyone that has attended past meetings. When there are finished copies and authors signing finished copies, you have to pay for the book, right? If I understand correctly, you do, but the books are cheap. Any tips would be appreciated, but I’m assuming its almost the same as BEA (which I went to), just smaller.
And that’s it. Remember, if you are: going, know of people that are going, know of any authors signing/attending, please let me know. (Geez, that was a lot of “knows”.)
Here’s the link to the website in case you are interested in attending or anything.
And since most of you probably don’t know these, here are my:
Twitter- @leasha_91
I’ll have a post about what happened on either Monday or Tuesday.
I kind of wanted to go, but I don't think that it's happening 🙁 have fun tho!