{Currently- August 2021}: Live Music, Christmas Gifts, and Bookstores

Posted August 4, 2021 by shooting in Personal / 38 Comments

I’m linking up with Anne at In Residence for Currently

Currently: August 2021

Welcome to August everyone! It’s the first Wednesday of the month and that means it’s time for the Currently link up, which I just love! Feel free to answer any of these prompts in the comments.

Admiring: everyone who has been able to get the vaccine – and actually got it! This new variant is picking up around where I live, and it definitely makes me nervous. I’m vaccinated, but I still don’t want to test how it will affect me or anyone I know if we get it. Plus, I do know people that didn’t get vaccinated, and I worry about them…even though they could (and should) have gotten it…Obviously, I don’t mean kids who can’t get it. I really worry about them because they have no choice in the matter! So if you were able to get vaccinated, and did, I applaud you!!

X Ambassadors in 2014

Anticipating: seeing X Ambassadors in concert. They are one of my absolute favorite bands and I’ve seen them live six times now. The seventh time will be in October, so *fingers crossed* nothing gets cancelled! They are phenomenal live; I definitely recommend seeing them if you’re a fan and you’re able to.


Enjoying: the fact that my blog has been around for 14 years this month! That’s right, I started Shooting Stars Mag back in 2007. Thanks to Nicole for reminding me it was my Blogoversary month. HAH I’ve been a bit out of it lately. I’m still trying to think of a fun way to celebrate, so look out for that!

Spending: money on books! I just can’t help it! I actually made a TikTok for my latest book haul, if you want to check that out. Feel free to follow me over there!

@laurenashleybeckerI can’t be trusted in a bookstore…##booktok ##bookstoread ##howsweetitis ##theguncle ##aspecialplaceforwomen♬ Level Up – Ciara


Saving: all the Christmas gift ideas. I’ve already bought a few things, but I’ve definitely been keeping an eye out when I’m reading blogs or magazines for future present ideas. It’s somehow already August, so I know the holidays will be here even quicker and I don’t want to wait until the last minute to buy all the gifts. If I start looking, and buying, now, then I can take advantage of more sales/deals. Anyone else already looking – or shopping?


Don’t forget to enter the August of Books giveaway! You can win your choice of book that comes out this month! And it’s a giveaway hop – so more books/chances to win.

38 responses to “{Currently- August 2021}: Live Music, Christmas Gifts, and Bookstores

  1. Happy Blogoversary ?14 years is an impressive commitment, congratulations! (You’ve reminded me my blog is 11 next week – I’d forgotten about it)
    I actually have for the first time ever picked up a few Xmas presents, I rarely have any spare cash when sales are on but this time I did so I nabbed them.
    Happily I’m double vaxxed as of the weekend but we are Covid free in my area, stay safex

  2. I worry about the non vaccinated too – mainly the ones that are unable to get it. The ones that can and choose not to, well…now they can deal with the consequences!

  3. Holy cow! Congratulations on 14 years. That’s commitment. I hope all goes well with your concert. I know I just got notification about having to show proof of vaccination or negative PCR test to get into RiotFest

  4. I actually saw some things this weekend for Xmas gifts & hubby was like NOOO – I wish I got them.
    YES YES YES to the vaccinated shout out. You know we’re back in the office & we’re having a lot of vaccinated people STILL geting COVID – its all freaking me out. Tell me why the buttheads that are in the office that arent vaxed are still healthy. that may be mean but I’m like THATS NOT FAIR

  5. Ooh good for you on the Christmas planning – kind of thinking I should be doing that, as I’m going to have my hands full all fall… but then again, when there’s a new baby, I can pretty much just slap his picture on anything, and the grandparents will love it. HA! And good for you on the vaccine plug – I think positive examples of seeing people who got the vaccine and themselves is one of the best ways to encourage others to do the same. And definitely as a person who has a kid (and soon to be 2) not eligible for vaccination, I wish everyone would get it so that we can worry less about school, etc.

    Thanks for joining in as always, and have a great August!

    Anne recently posted: currently
  6. Meg

    I’m fully vaxed too! It was such a relief when my family all got the jab. but right now I’m teaching in a summer school for kids who are too young for the shot, so I’m getting nervous about new variants and rising cases.

    Meg recently posted: Reckless Girls
  7. Wow, 14 years? Great job.

    This vaccination issue is so strange. I was relieved when I got my second dose and one of my friends actually cried because she could finally go see her grandchildren. Such relief.

    As to spending money on books…what else is there to buy? Glad you’re able to satisfiy your bibliophile desire. πŸ™‚

  8. I enjoyed reading this! It reminded me of the “current events” section in my old middle school yearbooks. It’s nice to take note of what’s happening and come back to it at a later date.

  9. Happy blogiversary! 14 years is certainly impressive and I’m sure the blogging world has changed a lot since you started. Keeping an eye on Christmas gifts now is a great idea. The holidays will be here before we know it!

  10. OMG! Happy fourteen years of blogging. That’s such a phenomenal accomplishment and I’m sure you’re so proud of all the time you’ve dedicated to this space! I hope you enjoy all of the Christmas gift prep. I’m in the process of moving since we just bought our first home so my mind is definitely elsewhere, but I’m still excited to begin planning for autumn and the holidays soon!

  11. Happy blog anniversary. Wow 14 year is a long time.
    Also I am so impressed you are already starting a list for Christmas presents. I am always a bit late and every years I swear I start early. so thanks or thee reminder.

  12. Jen

    Congrats on 14 years! That is awesome.

    It is definitely an interesting world we live in. I like what you are looking forward to πŸ™‚

  13. Agreed on the vaccine! I really hope more people decide to get it so we can hopefully finally put covid behind us.

    I can’t be trusted in a bookstore either. πŸ˜›

    Happy blogiversary month! <3

  14. I got a vaccine! I worry too. πŸ™ We are still masking up because Wyatt can’t get a vaccine yet and now with Delta. I am glad that we never stopped. Paranoid parent here. LOL

    Congrats on your blogiversary!!!

  15. 14 years is a long time! Longer than me even! Ha! Congrats! I got my vaccine and my kids are thankfully 12 and up, so they got theirs. Such a relief, especially with them being in school this year and delta being a concern!


  16. I have switched from following blogs on Bloglovin’ to Feedly and I think somehow I have missed your blog posts. Heading to Feedly to figure that out now. This virus business is just crazy. Just saw on CNN that Kentucky is seeing such a big increase in cases. I know you are just across the state line. Hope things are not as doom and gloom for you. My brother in Lexington – vaccinated reluctantly – has come down with the Delta variant. Ugh.

    Leslie Susan Clingan recently posted: World Through My Lens 07.2021

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