Baby, Baby, Baby…

Posted February 23, 2011 by shooting in Uncategorized / 4 Comments

Do Not Own
No, this post doesn’t have anything to do with Justin Bieber. It has to do with actual babies. My sister in law is pregnant right now with her first…a little girl. And that means, I’ll be an official aunt for the first time EVER. I’m excited. I have a couple friends with children and I feel like surrogate aunts to them, but having a little one in your immediate family is always nice.
In order to celebrate, I have some fun baby-related reviews and giveaways to share…so if you’re pregnant, have a little one, know someone else (friend or family) that is pregnant or has a baby already, etc…then you need to keep watching the blog this week. I’m going to try and post everything in the next couple days so I  can put up a Main Post with links to everything…making it easier to get where you need to go.
Thanks to all the sponsors for helping out! I do appreciate it. And some of these items would be GREAT for anyone…not just those with babies in their lives.

4 responses to “Baby, Baby, Baby…

  1. Congrats on the upcoming baby!

    I'm currently 30 weeks pregnant with our second child and it's a boy this time! His name will be Rylie Shane and we are super excited and just about ready to welcome him to our family. A few last touches for his frog themed nursery and of course some purchases that we're hoping others may grab for us as gifts.

    Can't wait to see what you have in store for us! Congrats again!

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