Bad to the Bone by Jeri Smith-Ready

Posted May 23, 2013 by shooting in Uncategorized / 19 Comments

Bad to the Bone by Jeri Smith-Ready

Review by Lauren

copy for review, but all opinions are our own

Official Summary: TURN ON. TUNE IN. DROP DEAD. Welcome to WVMP, “The Lifeblood of Rock ‘n’ Roll,”
where con artist-turned-station-owner Ciara Griffin manages an on-air staff of
off-the-wall DJs–including new boyfriend Shane McAllister–who really sink
their teeth into the music of their “Life Time” (the era in which they became
vampires). Ciara keeps the undead rocking, the ratings rolling, and the fan base
alive–without missing a beat. For Halloween, WVMP is throwing a bash. With cool
tunes, hot costumes, killer cocktails–what could go wrong? To start, a religious
firebrand ranting against the evils of the occult preempts the station’s midnight
broadcast. Then, when Ciara tracks down the transmission, the broadcast tower is
guarded by what appears to be . . . a canine vampire? Behind it all is a group of
self-righteous radicals who think vampires suck (and are willing to stake their
lives on it). Ciara must protect the station hile struggling with her own
complicated relationship, her best friend’s romance with a fledgling vampire, and
the nature of her mysterious anti-holy powers. To make it to New Year’s in one
piece, she’ll need to learn a few new tricks. . . .

Review: Bad to the Bone is the second novel in the WVMP series, after Wicked Game. If you enjoyed the first book, you’re sure to love this one as well. I love that this book doesn’t trying to build things back up again. The action and mystery starts fairly quick, but also making sure to include some refreshers for those that haven’t just recently finished Wicked Game.

Ciara is one heroine that does not take things lying down. She’s determined to have the relationship she wants, one where she’s the girlfriend and not the donor, but she also has to deal with the idea of moving forward with someone stuck in the past. Bad to the Bone shows how domesticity can and cannot work for a former con artist and a vampire. I love that the vampires are so unique in terms of being stuck in the time period they were turned in, which makes them great DJ’s, but difficult to teach new things too. Shane is a relatively new vampire, so he has more leeway in learning new things and trying to adjust to the changing world…but can Ciara and him make it work? This is definitely a vampire romance quite unlike most I’ve seen, and I love it!

There is certainly more danger in this one, which makes the story suspenseful. Not everyone will leave without scars. Shane must deal with the past he left behind when becoming a vampire, Ciara’s friend Lori falls for a newly made vampire, and Ciara finds herself in the middle of a conspiracy to exterminate vampires. Ciara might not love all vampires, but she at least sees the humanity in many of the them and that puts herself in danger when there are people out there with strong, opposite beliefs.

By the last half of the novel, Ciara and company are certainly in danger, but you know things will somehow work out…for most of them.

Bad to the Bone was another enjoyable read by Smith-Ready and I’m currently reading and enjoying the third novel, Bring on the Night. There are four books in the series, and all have been released, so no reason not to start this series soon!

19 responses to “Bad to the Bone by Jeri Smith-Ready

  1. I've also read the first two books so I enjoyed your review. These books are so different and I've really liked them so far. Thanks for the reminder that I need to get back to this series and get books 3 and 4! 🙂

  2. I've only read Jeri's YA books, and only one at that, but I've been hearing fantastic things about this series so I think I should start reading more adult and start with this one! I'm so happy that Clara was so brave and courageous and didnt take anything lying down. Also, I love when as a series progresses, it gets more and more suspenseful! Fantastic review, Lauren! I'm happy you liked this one so much 🙂

  3. Ohmygosh! WVMP Radio is one of my all-time favorite series, so I am so happy to see it here! I love Ciara and Shane so, so much and I love Jeri's cool take on vampires. Plus…music!
    So happy you enjoyed BttB!

  4. Nice, glad you liked this one so much! I'm not a huge fan of Adult PnR, but it does kind of sound like the author brings something new here.

  5. Ack this is another series that I've been meaning to start. I'm really glad that you had fun with this and have been left eager for more. I can't wait to see how you get on with the rest of the books. Lovely review! 🙂

  6. Sam

    I always think I'm tiring of vampire books, but I'm pretty certain I'll enjoy this series. I've actually been meaning to start it for a while — I really like this author's other books. Glad you enjoyed this overall! Lovely review. 🙂

  7. I read a review of the first book just recently and really liked the sound of it, so I added it to my tbr determined to read it as soon as possible. Hopefully I'll like it and read this one right after.
    Lovely review!

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