Chris from the UK band AntiKid takes us behind the music and words of two of their songs which you can find on Itunes.
At the moment, we’ve got 2 tracks that people can get hold of, part of our first DoubleA single. The 2 tracks are called Faultlines, and Discard the Excess
At the moment we think the only way to get hold of them in the US is by Itunes- cos we ship out the cd’s ourselves over here, and haven’t got international distribution just yet! Both the songs are quite different stylistically- Faultlines has a more far more ambient, experimental sound to it, whereas Discard shouts far more back to punky stuff we used
to do.
Lyrically, they’re not all that different though. We wrote Faultlines a lot more recently, and it pretty much started with John coming up with the verse line on guitar, then we all just build stuff around that until the song kind
of just formed. Most of the lyrics I write are generally about something, but they’re also left really open to interpretation, so a lot of people seem to take different things away from it, which is cool I guess, otherwise it’d just be me being really preachy about my life all the time. If you listen to the lyrics, the theme of it is fairly obvious, but the chorus-
It’s all about the plastic words
and don’t you fit the mould so well
Well you’re just breaking the ice,
breaking the ice
sometimes gets a little misunderstood, but mainly it was just kind of talking to someone, and how just exaggerating and lying about their life had just become so natural, and they try to justify it by saying it’s just for first impressions, or breaking the ice in a conversation, and the lie just never goes away and they carry on living it.
The other track discard was one we wrote a lot earlier, and the general theme is how people flaunt the word love about, without really thinking about it, and it kind of devalues it a lot, and when you listen to it you can hear views on how both girls and boys often end up on one sided relationships, which are just built on rubbish.
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