Being Jazz: My Life as a (Transgender) Teen by Jazz Jennings

Posted June 7, 2016 by shooting in Uncategorized / 21 Comments

Being Jazz: My Life as a (Transgender) Teen by Jazz Jennings 

Review by Lauren

source: copy from BEA: all opinions are my own

Review: Jazz Jennings from the TLC show I Am Jazz is releasing her memoir today. It’s a great look at her life so far – she’s only 15 at the moment- and how she always knew she was a girl in a boy’s body. I loved hearing stories from her childhood. I’m sure it was tough for her parents to deal with this news, but they seem like great people who only want the best for their children. They allowed Jazz to dress as a girl at home for awhile, and eventually in public. They were constantly learning and advocating for trans rights.

Being Jazz is an easy book to read; it’s almost like Jazz is speaking to a friend. It’s great how open and honest she is about a lot of different aspects in her life. I have an advanced copy that I was given to read/review, so the photos throughout are all in black and white. Each chapter starts with a new photo, which I loved. I believe the finished version will include some in color, but I can’t 100% say for sure. Overall, I highly recommend this one! It’s a great way to get an insider’s look at what it means to be transgender.

I read this book for #ReadProud, a reading challenge author Julia Ember created for Pride Month! 

21 responses to “Being Jazz: My Life as a (Transgender) Teen by Jazz Jennings

  1. Such a hot topic at the moment. Having watched several documentaries on the subject lately (one featuring a child as young as six) I have to say I'm on the lookout for a good book on the subject (and this sounds like it could well fit the bill) as I found these programmes a bit, well, sensationalist in the way they were presented.

  2. That's neat that there are pictures in the book as well and how every chapter starts with one. It does sound like she has an unique perspective with her knowing she was trans from a young age already. And that must've been great that her parents were so supportive.

  3. I'm also so impressed with people who have a strong sense of identity from a young age (I was, and still remain to some degree, very contrary). There are so many people who can benefit from this book- from kids who are going through similar situations to people who can learn to be more open minded and empathetic to struggles outside their own experience. I think I'm going to get the audiobook!

  4. Oh, wow. She looks amazing. It can't be easy with these kids, but I'm glad we've come a long away to help them. Hopefully, she doesn't live in Georgia or Texas or North Carolina. :/

  5. I'm so happy there is a book about this! I love Jazz, I took a Gender and Communication class where we watched her show I am Jazz and it was eye opening.

  6. I'm always unsure going into a memoir by a teen, as I worry if they have enough life under their belt to write. I'm glad to hear that this was an engaging read, as it is one I'm interested in. Great review!

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