Bera the One-Headed Troll by Eric Orchard

Posted August 19, 2016 by shooting in Uncategorized / 10 Comments

EDIT: I wanted to let you all know that there is a giveaway (U.S. only I’m afraid) over on the Leave a Mark Auctions page. You can win a Harry Potter solar light. It’s BEAUTIFUL! 

Bera the One-Headed Troll by Eric Orchard

Review by Lauren

source: copy for review; all opinions are my own

Official SummaryBera doesn’t ask for much in life. She’s a solitary, humble troll, tending her island pumpkin patch in cheerful isolation. She isn’t looking for any trouble.

But when trouble comes to find her, it comes in spades. A human baby has arrived in the realm of the trolls, and nobody knows where it came from, but Bera seems to be the only person who doesn’t want it dead. There’s nothing to it but to return the adorable little thing to its parents.

Like it or not, Bera’s gone and found herself a quest.

ReviewI’m not going to rate the book, because it’s a mix between 3.5-4 stars. It wasn’t my most favorite graphic novel, but I did still enjoy the overall story. 

Bera is a one-headed troll who lives and works on an island, where she grows large pumpkins for the king. It’s just her off-season when she realizes that mermaids are messing around with something, and she ends up rescuing a human baby. She wants to find someone that will bring the baby back to its family so she sets out on an adventure trying to find a hero from her book. Things aren’t so easy though, so Bera encounters a lot of things in her way and heroes that aren’t really helpful.

I loved the cast of characters in this one. Bera meets some bad creatures, but a lot of really great ones too that end up really helping her out on her journey. I could see this being a fun graphic novel to share around Halloween! 

10 responses to “Bera the One-Headed Troll by Eric Orchard

  1. One of the reasons I hate star ratings is exactly this. All too often left torn as to what to rate a book as I frequently find myself of the opinion that certain aspects of a book rated such much higher than others.


    Sounds like a good read. Loved both the title and cover.

  2. So wait, are there a lot of multi-headed trolls? I might be watching too much Dora lately with the "grumpy old troll who lives under the bridge". You know that guy? He just has one head too. Anyways, cute book. Thanks for the honest review.

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