By the time you read this, I’ll be in surgery…

Posted July 22, 2017 by shooting in Personal / 25 Comments

Actually, you might be reading this before or after my surgery, but that doesn’t make a very catchy title, does it? I’m having my gallbladder removed and it should only be about a 15 minute surgery. I’ve had surgeries before so I’m not terribly nervous about the going to sleep aspect, or the actual surgery, but I do get nervous about how I’m going to feel once it’s all over.

Waking up is always a bit disorienting and then you have to deal with discomfort and anesthesia leaving your body which can be a bit painful/make you feel nauseous (I had that issue with my last surgery) so hopefully it won’t be too bad. I won’t be around the first day or so, I’m sure, but I will be commenting  back and sharing new posts soon so I hope you’ll still visit!

Before you leave though, I wanted to remind you about the Favorite Things giveaways going on now. They should all be ending tomorrow so you want to enter if you haven’t already!

Don't forget to enter the Favorite Things #giveaway! 6 blogs/6 prizes to win - end July 22! Share on X

I’m giving away a book of choice, a Starbucks card, and more. Enter here.

Herding Cats and Burning Soup is giving away a Kindle book of your choice. Enter here.

The Emi Times is giving away a Starbucks gift card. Enter here.

vvb32 Reads is giving away her review copies of To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before and its two sequels. Enter here.

Theinbetweenismine is giving away a pair of Balega no-show running socks. Enter here.

And finally…Happy.Pretty.Sweet is giving away a pair of Jane Austen socks. Enter here.

25 responses to “By the time you read this, I’ll be in surgery…

  1. RO

    I had that done years ago, so I know it can be a little uncomfortable for a little while. Here’s hoping your weekend is pain-free, and that you’re relaxing with a good book. Hugs and feel better. RO

  2. Hope you feel better! My sister in law had her gallbladder out a few years ago and felt so much better after a couple of days’ rest.

  3. Hope you recover quickly! And you are a very courageous person! I personally have never had any serious medical procedures done so I’d be scared shitless even if it’s a root canal. Which, yes, I’ve been putting off forever for the same reason lol.

  4. Jen

    Oh my, gall bladder surgery! I hope your recovery goes smoothly and you get to feeling better sooner than later. Hugs!

    P.S. I won the Jane Austen socks 🙂 So excited!

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