Category: Discussion

Top 10 Tuesday: Bookish Wishes

Posted June 11, 2024 by shooting in Discussion / 6 Comments

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Wishes I am sharing ten books that are on my wish list that I would love to own. You’re welcome to gift any of them, and I’ll be visiting other links today too to give some bookish wishes to others as […]

My Month is Booked Lives On

Posted May 23, 2024 by shooting in Discussion / 5 Comments

How cute is Farrah’s button for My Month is Booked? She has decided to take on hosting duties and I really appreciate that. You can link up the FIRST Monday of every month with her – sharing a round up of books that you’ve been reading recently, so be sure to go give her a […]

The Future of My Month is Booked

Posted April 25, 2024 by shooting in Discussion / 12 Comments

Hey friends! I know I completely missed posting My Month is Booked this month. I’ve decided to no longer do this link up because I’ve found that having posts that need to go up on certain days of the month is actually more difficult for me at the moment. I want to get back into […]

Journal Supplies Wish List

Posted April 17, 2024 by shooting in Discussion / 2 Comments

I completely blame TikTok for this, but I have started getting back into journaling and scrapbooking. It’s been a lot of fun and I find I am always adding things to my wish list. Today, I thought I’d share some Journaling Supplies that are currently on my wish list – just for fun! If you […]

8 Upcoming Books I Can’t Wait to Read- Part 3

Posted March 27, 2024 by shooting in Discussion / 2 Comments

So many books are coming out this year! Welcome to part 3 of the Upcoming Books I Can’t Wait to Read. Share your thoughts in the comments please. Death Row Welcomes You: Visiting Hours in the Shadow of the Execution Chamber by Steven Hale Released: March 26, so yesterday! Swiped by L.M. Chilton Releases: May […]

Currently: February 2024

Posted February 8, 2024 by shooting in Discussion / 14 Comments

Currently is hosted by Jennifer Happy February, everyone! I miss doing these Currently posts, so while I’m a day late, I still wanted to join in. The prompts for the month are: loving, looking forward to, doing to be romantic, changing, and celebrating. Feel free to share your own answers in the comments! Loving: the […]