CoronaCrafting: Virtual Paint Night + DIY Wooden Bunny

Posted May 15, 2020 by shooting in DIY / 22 Comments

One of the things that I miss is going to my local public libraries and taking part in their craft programs. My mom and I – and sometimes my sister – used to go at least a couple times a month. However, with Covid-19, there won’t be any in-person library events for awhile. Therefore, I decided to try and find ways to be crafty at home! Today is my first entry in the new feature CoronaCrafting. I’ll have a link-up at the bottom of the post if you have your own craft posts to share!

CoronaCrafting: being stuck at home doesn't mean you can't be crafty! Virtual Paint Night + DIY Wooden Bunny #ontheblog #coronacrafting Share on X

Virtual Paint Night

You know those businesses where you can go and paint along with the instructor, so you all end up with essentially the same painting by the end of the night? I’ve done quite a few of those over the years, and they are always fun, so I was really excited when the website Pick Your Plum announced a virtual paint along. You bought your kit on their website (if you needed the supplies, which I did) and then on a designated date, the lovely lady behind Made by Kate did Instagram and Facebook Live to walk you through the painting. I didn’t do my painting “live” – but Pick Your Plum kept the video on their Facebook page so I could do it another afternoon.

What came in the kit?

  • canvas
  • two brushes
  • a pack of acrylic paints with all the colors you need – and then some!

I didn’t really think to take pictures of my painting in progress, but I do have a final version, and I think it turned out really well!

Honestly, I think this is one of the best paintings that I’ve done. I’m pretty sure it’s because the canvas is a lot smaller. It was such a fun way to pass some time, and I love the final result! The afternoon that I decided to work on my painting, my mom did her own craft that I’d found on Etsy!

Wood Spring Bunny with Felt Flower Wreath and Tail

I found this DIY craft in the Etsy shop bbd supplies, and I knew it would be perfect for my mom. She loves crafts that involve wood.

The above photo of the Wood Bunny Kit is from the Etsy shop. You can see in the top left corner everything that comes with the wooden bunny. We had a glue gun and glue sticks at the house, so my mom used that to keep the flowers and tails together – and then of course to add these elements to the bunny. It does come with the patterned paper, but my mom liked it without so she she didn’t use that. You can get this kit for $15 (with free U.S. shipping), so if you think this looks cute, go grab one for yourself!

Now, let’s see my mom’s finished product!

The first photo shows the bunny laying down, and the second is what it looks like standing up (which is how we have it displayed).

What do you think? Pretty cute, huh?

If you have your own craft posts to share, please do link up below! I’m hoping to keep doing these CoronaCrafting posts a couple times a month!

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22 responses to “CoronaCrafting: Virtual Paint Night + DIY Wooden Bunny

  1. The former secretary at the last school I worked at did those paint along classes for a while and I loved them! I will need to check out this painting group you did this with, because I think I would love to do that as well! Thanks so much for sharing this. And I’m glad you are still getting your craft fix this way. I know our libraries are doing curbside service only starting next week I think. 🙁 I usually used the library for a quiet place to go sit and work on my writing, so I am missing that right now.

    Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature) recently posted: Blog Tour Review with Giveaway: Just Another Silly Love Song by Rich Amooi
    • shooting

      I do miss the library for various reasons! But yes, check out Made by Kate! She does lots of fun paint along nights.

  2. Your painting is gorgeous Lauren!! good job.

    And that bunny is too cute.

    I love how inventive people are getting to stay in touch and still be involved/learning new things while keeping small businesses going.

    One of our local tap houses used to do weekly trivia night but they had to close so now they do it online and talk about beer lol

    Karen @ For What It’s Worth

    • shooting

      I love how people are finding new ways to connect and expand their business! And thank you – it was fun to paint.

  3. Love that you can still do fun crafts and a painting class even when stuck at home. The painting looks good and what a great idea to be able to still doing something like that, great for folks who are stuck at home and would normally go out to classes to get out a bit as well.

    Becky @ A Fool's Ingenuity recently posted: Sunday Summary // 17.05.2020
  4. amy

    I haven’t done any crafting during corona, but its definitely a great idea! It sounds ideal to make the days less monotonous.

  5. A virtual paint-along sounds so fun! I had planned a paint night outing with some girlfriends right before everything shut down, so I’m looking forward to rescheduling it once things open up more (hopefully one of these days)!

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