Crime and Punishment…via TV

Posted October 5, 2011 by shooting in Uncategorized / 1 Comment

After Axl leaves his dirty smelly socks lying around the house one too many times, Mike punished his son by banning him from playing his basketball team’s final game. Given the Heck legacy on the basketball team, do you think it was the best decision? Have you ever, or had a parent, give the time that didn’t fit the crime? Were you able to get out of it and how?

Wow, I do think this is a bit harsh. I can understand if Axl had done something really wrong or innappropriate, but I’m sure a better punishment could have been found this particular “crime.” I guess his dad was just a little fed up. I suppose that can happen. I’m not a parent, and when I was growing up I was honestly the kid that never really got into trouble, so I don’t have a story that fits this. I do know that some of my friends would get in trouble for really dumb things, like a brush going missing… they aren’t my stories to tell, so I won’t go into more detail. But sometimes parents go overboard, I can say that.

However, when watching a sitcom, it’s always pretty funny! So revel in Axl’s misery and get the second season NOW!


I have been hired by Warner Bros. WBWord division to promote The Middle Season Two on DVD.

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