Currently (May 2020) + Monthly Favorites (March/April 2020)

Posted May 6, 2020 by shooting in Personal / 41 Comments

I’m linking up with Anne for Currently and Kristen for What’s New With You

Currently: May 2020

How did your April go? I’m excited that it’s May, though it’s a bit sad that all the fun events that would normally take place this month are now cancelled. However, it’s my birthday month, so I’m going to try and focus on the positive! All we can do most days, right?

Making: I actually started being a bit crafty again! I’m still looking into various DIY kits online, so we’ll see what I find. I plan to share more about what I’ve made in a new feature on my blog called CoronaCrafting – coming soon (hopefully next week!)

Missing: Seeing friends and family in person – especially my nieces and nephew. Facetime is great, but it doesn’t make up for face-to-face moments. I’m obviously missing a lot of other things too, but that’s probably the biggest. However, I miss browsing bookstores in person, going to eat IN a restaurant, going to the movie theater, taking dance classes in the studio (and not via Zoom), craft events at the library, meeting in person for my book clubs, etc.

Learning: Not to pay attention to the news so much. I just can’t handle all the bad going on. I try and keep as updated as I can, but give me all the happy news and stories of random acts of kindness! It’s a tough time for all of us, but I can’t dwell on it so much or it really gets to me.

Loving: That Dead to Me season 2 premieres this Friday on Netflix! This is actually one show that I watched pretty quickly (I’m not a great binge watcher) and I cannot wait for more!!

Reading: I just read The Guest List by Lucy Foley and LOVED it (it was one of my April Book of the Month picks) and I’m currently reading Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (And Other Concerns) by Mindy Kaling. It’s a good, quick read so far! I’ve read her second memoir, Why Not Me?, so it’s about time I finally read her debut!

Monthly Favorites: March and April 2020

I missed my Monthly Favorites post for March, so I figured I’d just combine March and April and share some of the things I’ve been loving lately!

Favorite Twitter Moment:

I loved the first season of Songland, and I’ve been enjoying the second season going on now. The night the first episode of Season 2 premiered, I shared this tweet and Shane McAnalley liked it! Definitely made my night- I just love him.

Favorite Performance:

CMT Crossroads is a concert event where a country star teams up with a non-country star and they sing each other’s songs. I love the concept, and when I saw that Kelsea Ballerini and Halsey were teaming up, I HAD to watch it. I love both of them and they are amazing together. I thought I’d share their version of “Bad at Love” – originally sung by just Halsey.

Favorite Movie:

I actually got to see this in theaters with a friend of mine before everything shut down. I love Pixar movies and this one was really good. I just love little animated Tom Holland (he’s the younger brother – Chris Pratt is the older brother). Oh, and in case you’re like me and didn’t realize at first – they’re elves!

Favorite Song/Video:

“Miss You 2” by Gabrielle Aplin and Nina Nesbitt

I love that this video features a same-sex couple, and in general, I just ADORE this song! Definitely give it a listen.

Favorite Memes:

There are so many Coronavirus memes, and while it’s a very serious disease, some days you just have to laugh to get through.

Do you have any recent favorites you’d like to share?

41 responses to “Currently (May 2020) + Monthly Favorites (March/April 2020)

  1. Oh my goodness – those tweets are brilliant. Laughing at the visiting bug getting offered wine!

    That diagram of zoom meetings is hilarious!

  2. This is great! I also starting paying less attention to the news as it is scaring me but just enough to still knowing what is going on in the world.

    I gotta check your other blog CoronaCrafting because I have got some time on myself and need inspiration x)

    Btw, loving the diagram. “Removing kids from the bedroom” (hilarious) omg! 😀

  3. I’m impressed that you shared a lot of memes that I haven’t seen before! Good ones! I didn’t know you did BOTM! I have The Guest List on audio so I should listen to it soon. I liked the first season of Dead to Me and forgot about it, but now I’m excited for the new one!

    • shooting

      I’m new to BOTM. I got a couple of the YA ones they were doing, and then figured I’d see about the normal version since I often see books I want to read! lol

  4. Omg those covid tweets ? and that zoom diagram is so accurate Lolol! You’re right though—it helps to laugh during these times especially.

    I’m missing all of those things too. Bit the FaceTime/zoom helps immensely right? I wish I could reach my parents to video chat. It’s on my list of to-dos!

    I love Mindy and really want to read that book. Excited to see your corona crafting segment!!

  5. I hear you about limiting news consumption, I’ve been trying to do that too! And I’m missing seeing friends and family too, this is so hard. The tweet about the bug cracked me up!

  6. Adults struggling to sit and stay!?!? HA…that one made me laugh. I, too, have learned to tune out and turn away from the news. Well, for the most part!

  7. Yay, birthday month! Can’t cancel that – even if it has to be celebrated differently, sounds like you can still have a fab time with your great attitude 🙂 Excited to see your review of The Guest House as I was contemplating it – totally in the mood for something mystery/twisty. Oh and JUST saw that Dead to Me returns this week and I cannot wait!

  8. I am sure you are missing the library and they great crafts they offer. Will be excited to link up for Corona Crafting. I have been crafting a bit myself. And want to do your planner post and your glossies post this month. I forget what days they are on. Just sent you an email so I can get that info and hopefully keep it straight!!

  9. I agree it’s hard not being able to see loved ones in person. I’ve been avoiding watching the news as well and am trying to be selective with what I take in on social media. Love all the COVID memes though!

  10. It’s a bit like that at the moment, I’m finding that taking a break from socials is helping and I’m taking time for myself at the moment as well. But HAPPY BIRTHDAY MONTH! Really looking forward to your new crafting posts, I’ve been thinking about getting back into knitting and looking forward to following along.

    Kelly recently posted: The Year the Maps Changed
  11. I don’t remember the last time I watched a music video, but I like the song! That Zoom graph is so on point! I read Mindy’s first book and really enjoyed it, and have her second waiting for me on my bookshelf! Looking forward to seeing your crafts! Also looking forward to Dead To Me and Onward! YAY for birthday month- happy (early?) birthday!

    Dani recently posted: What's New With Me- May Goals
  12. I’m laughing at all those coronavirus memes. Glad to see even in a global crisis we can all find a little light humour to keep us all smiling. Glad you’re trying to stay positive since it’s now your birthday month (we must all look forward to small things to keep us going) and glad to hear you’re getting crafty. I’ve seen so many craft kits you can order online and I’ve been so tempted but I know what my attention span is like, I’m sticking with things I already have around the house like drawing and some adult colouring books.

    Becky @ A Fool's Ingenuity recently posted: Monthly Wrap Up // April
  13. That last meme is to die for! I am stealing it! Yeah, I miss all the just going to browse in stores and eat at a restaurant and especially going to the movie theaters. And now my favorite movie theater says they won’t be showing Universal movies because of how they released movies direct to video or streaming instead of postponing their release, so I’m sad about that. Can’t wait to see your new crafting blog!

    Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature) recently posted: Blog Tour Review: Batter of Wits (Donner Bakery #5) by Karla Sorensen
    • shooting

      Aw, that’s a bummer about your movie theater not showing Universal movies. I mean, the studios didn’t know when things would open and releasing direct to video is kind of nice for families stuck inside!!

  14. I miss going to Target and touching stuff! Shaking hands and hugging. I listen only to Governor Roy Cooper, no news outlets. When he says I can go out again, I’ll go out. Simple as that!

    The memes … are people getting funnier now? I’d like to think so.

  15. I’m glad someone else is getting through this difficult period by looking at memes. I thought I was the only one! xo

  16. Jen

    Oh my gosh the zoom meeting diagram is my life! Those guys though are making bank. Happy early birthday month! May is a great time to have a birthday. Lots of outside social distancing fun to be had now that the weather is nice 🙂

    • shooting

      I just need the weather to get with it! It’s cold and rainy right now, but we have time for it to get better! lol Thank you though.

  17. I was never a big meme person but so many just *get me* right now lol

    I’ve learned to limit the news too. I read enough to know what’s happening then stop. I’ve also muted a lot of accounts that tweet about it all day. Even if I agree – i just can’t get bogged down in it all. It’s too draining.

    Karen @ For What It’s Worth

  18. Glad you are finding ways to get through it. I had to step away from social media a bit to keep my sanity. Crafting is so fun. Can’t wait to see what you’ve been making

  19. I hope you have a nice birthday! How did I miss that the second season of Dead to Me was out? I loved the first season. The Guest List is on my wish list. I am glad you loved it. I haven’t seen Songland, but I’ve been thinking I might give it a try. I really enjoyed Onward–such a touching movie. I hope you have a good May! Take care and stay safe and well.

  20. I love this!! I’ve found that being creative and doing things with my hands that I can see a quick result with is REALLY helpful for my mental health during the COVID situation. I’ve been doing SO much yard work lol

  21. The tweets and memes had me laughing! Especially James Blunts…

    I too am missing seeing people in person. Video calls are better than nothing but they’re in no way the same. We’ve still no idea when they’ll lift the restrictions enough for people to start seeing family again, let alone friends.

  22. 2 things I could relate, crafty – practicing guitar again and helping a friend design a website.
    News – I am definitely staying away from most of it, just like you said getting tit-bits of update and that’s good enough. I can’t handle all that anxiety, it’s harsh and rough for people but I gotta stay from it to stay sane.

    I haven’t found anything interesting on Netflix lately, so I keep going back to my favorites – I have watched Goodwill Hunting like 5-6 times during this isolation. That movie is simply magical in my opinion, I always feel good after watching it. So I think to myself, “Whatever works right”

    Thanks for sharing your journey.

  23. Love the list! I’ve been playing call of duty a lot more than I should be during lockdown. ? But I’ve also been a lot more active on the bloggersphere so that’s a plus! Not that call of duty is a negative in anyway.

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