Dear Wonderful Readers

Posted May 1, 2011 by shooting in Uncategorized / 2 Comments

Dear Wonderful Readers-

Starting (hopefully) later this week, there will be a set of auctions lasting at least the month of May. All of your donations will benefit two very deserving people. I’m hosting this auction with Kristi of the Story Siren. Half the money goes to her cousin, recently diagnosed with cancer and to a family friend of mine who lost the thumb on his dominant hand. You can learn more about both of these canidates (and if their info is not posted, it will be in the next couple days) at the auction site. Please follow the blog and spread the word so that everyone is ready for when the first auctions begin to go up.

I’d also like to let everyone out there know that we ARE still taking donations. If you have something you’d like to add to our list, please write me here: lauren51990 AT aol DOT com. We’ll keep taking donations even as the auctions begin until an undertermined date. We’ll let you know when donations can stop being added, but we’d like this to last at least a full month…an auction a day…so again, get in touch if you’re interested in helping out. Of course, bidding and donating money THROUGH the auctions is a huge help too!!

Authors: I’d like to add that critiques of some sort are always popular as there are many aspiring writers out there. Plus, something like a critique has no actual monetary value…so people can bid up to a lot sometimes. If you can offer any type of critique (big or small), please get in touch as well. Feel free to get your agents or editors involved as well if they have the time!

None of the above photos are mine. I just find them adorably cute…and if they start telling you to donate in your dreams, I can’t be held accountable. 🙂

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