DIY Baby Shower Clothespin Wreath (adjust for other occasions)

Posted December 15, 2017 by shooting in DIY / 29 Comments

clothespin wreath

If you’ve been reading my blog, or follow me on Instagram, then you know that I love attending craft events at my local library. They allow me to be creative without spending money, and I tend to get some really awesome items to keep afterwards. Last year we made Christmas Card Wreaths with clothespins and I loved it so much! Cue to this past summer and I decided to make another clothespin wreath for a friend of mine expecting her little girl. I figured they could put up cards or even just pictures of the little one once they arrived!

DIY #ontheblog: Baby Shower Clothespin Wreath (can be changed for other occasions)! #DIY #craft Share on X

I’m here today to share just how you can make your own clothespin wreath, so let’s get started!

Baby Shower Clothespin Wreath

-this can be adjusted for any occasion! 

First, you need to gather your supplies. I got all of mine at Micheal’s, including the wreath. Unfortunately, I don’t have a picture of that but you’ll be using an embroidery hoop and you can find something similar here. The next set of supplies that you need is a brush, the first letter in the baby’s first name (or last name if you want), and the paint color you want to use for the letter. I used a black foam brush to paint the letter because it’s all going to be one color, so there is no fine painting. Since the baby was a girl, I decided to make the whole wreath pink and white, so the letter was going to be pink. I’m using the first letter of the baby’s name, but again, you can do whatever you want for this part!

Just FYI: I’d put parchment paper or something else underneath where you are painting so it doesn’t get on everything. Not all paint comes out the same way. Once I had the letter fully painted, I waited to let it dry and then I dried to hot glue it onto the hoop. This didn’t work well for me, so we used gorilla glue instead! Once that part was finished, it was time to decorate the rest of the wreath!

The next set of supplies you need are colored clothespins (you can try painting them yourself, but I recommend just finding the color you need) and another decoration to go in between the clothespins. I found two colors of pink, so I figured I’d just go back and forth on the wreath and between those I was going to use these pretty white flowers!

This time, you can easily use hot glue to glue everything down onto the hoop. Make sure you glue the clothespins so that the part that holds something is facing the outside of the wreath. Otherwise, you won’t be able to use it to clip anything!

When you are finished, it should look something like this! I put two white flowers between each clothespin until the very bottom when I was able to fit in three. If you can see, there are 12 clothespins total. Depending on what you put between yours, you might have more or less, and that’s fine! I thought that 12 was a good, even number!

I gave this to my friend at her Baby Shower and she seemed to really like it! Again, it would be good for storing cards or photos of the baby, or just using as a decoration! It’s totally up to the recipient.

PRO TIP: When gifting, I’d include some leftover clothespins and flowers (or whatever you added to the wreath) in a ziploc bag in case anything falls off in transport, or any other time. All they need to do is hot glue it back on!

Full List of Supplies

  • 1 embroidery wreath (find here)
  • at least 1 back foam brush (find here)
  • a wooden letter or image for the top of the wreath (find some here)
  • paint color for wooden letter (I use Craftsmart paint)
  • colored clothespins (find some colors here)
  • flowers to put between clothespins (white flowers here)
  • hot glue (find everything here)
  • gorilla glue for letter (find here)

What do you think? Would you make a Baby Shower Clothespin Wreath? Or would you make it for another occasion? Let me know in the comments!!

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29 responses to “DIY Baby Shower Clothespin Wreath (adjust for other occasions)

  1. I love this!! I think that would be such a great way to display monthly baby photos, or cute little cards, or anything really! Such a great idea and I love that it looks easy and doable too.

  2. Hello, Lauren.

    What a resourceful way to give someone on their baby shower. Plus, it is really so affordable to make. What I like the most is its customizable to whatever event you are in.

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