Keep It Together: Do You Plan Future Reads?

Posted November 15, 2018 by shooting in Planning / 33 Comments

Memory Keeping

How is it the third Thursday of November already? Well, I guess when the first of the month falls on a Thursday, things move quick! Anyway, it’s time for another Keep It Together with myself and Alexandra. You’re welcome to link up any post related to planning/planners, scrapbooks, Project Life, really anything related to planning and memory keeping!

Keep It Together: Do you plan our your future reads? #ontheblog #bookbloggers Share on X

This month I’m taking the planning part of these posts and stretching it a little bit…though, really, you could plan this IN your planner or bullet journal, so it still works…

Do You Plan Ahead What You Read?

Whether you blog about books or not, I think most readers can understand this question. For those of us who do review books, we tend to plan ahead what we’re going to read next to a certain extent. I try and read the books I have for review in the order that they come out – unless I’m just too excited to wait – but I’ve definitely tried to limit the amount of books I have to review so I can read more of the books I already own/happen to come across at the library, etc.

Basically, if I have to review the book, then yes, I plan ahead. Otherwise, I don’t necessarily plan what I’m going to read next. I’m in a YA for Adults book club at my local library, so I have to factor in that book every month, but other than that, I don’t have other commitments. I’ve done a lot better this year with reading the books that I already own or just reading what I “want” – not that I don’t want to read the books I review!

I know a lot of bloggers have monthly TBR lists, where they share which books they plan to read during that month. I sometimes do this to an extent but it’s never really set in stone.

What about you? Do you plan out your future reads (TBR lists, etc.)? Do you write down your plans in a planner/bullet journal?

Link up with us!

33 responses to “Keep It Together: Do You Plan Future Reads?

  1. In the past I tried to put together a monthly tbr, I’m a mood reader and I have never kept to the list. Currently I have a stack of books in a basket next to my chair, and that’s my mbr (maybe be read). I don’t do arc reviews so I don’t have a to plan out my reads.

  2. RO

    When I used to review years ago, I definitely had to plan because I reviewed for 3 sites, plus I was still reading for fun, so I did keep a schedule. Those days are gone though(lol), and unless a book has to be back to the library at a certain time, I pretty much read as I can. Great post, as always! Hugs…RO

  3. If I really want to read something I request it at the library or just add it to my goodreads TBR list. Once I have books I usually read in order of when they are due at the library or if I’ve committed to review something!

  4. I do like to plan ahead and I do it all on Goodreads. I’ll usually put a few books I want to read very soon in my ‘reading now’ list, even if I’m not actively reading them. Then in my ‘to read’ list I have a huge list of other books I want to read.


  5. Other than the odd book I have for review (which are few and far between since I stopped requesting), I don’t plan my reading *at all.* I don’t make TBR lists. I sometimes have a vague idea of what I *might* want to pick up, but I’m a total mood reader so it’s really just whatever I feel at the moment. 🙂

  6. For me it depends. I usually make a summer reading list that I try to cross off during the summer, but otherwise I don’t typically plan ahead. This year I made a spring reading list too but I don’t every year. Usually I just read what sounds good and what my library has available. Although I also try to read a book related to my monthly goal/focus, so that I plan a bit ahead.

  7. I’m a sucker for books — they’re like a drug to me. So I have to plan my reading very carefully and only allow myself nonfiction things that I’m better able to control most of the time. I’ll get myself something fun (I like mysteries, political thrillers and dystopian) every once in awhile. But I have to do when I can devote an entire day to my book so I can devour it all in one sitting. Crazy, huh?

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  8. Next year I plan on keeping a blogging diary for this exact purpose. In the last few months, I’ve just been playing catch up and have taken a bit of a break lately just because I’ve been so overwhelmed and the books just keep piling up. The book blogger diaries are unfortunately just too expensive so have been looking around for a cheap spread sheet a fellow book blogger might be offering. I could make my own but I keep thinking, if I can’t be bothered making my own, am I really going to even maintain it? I think I’m lacking motivation at the moment and don’t know how to pull myself out of it.

  9. I plan what I’m going to read if it’s going on the blog. But I also like to just go to the ‘to-read’ shelf in my office or on my library wishlist and pick whatever I’m feeling like reading at that moment!

  10. Obviously with my reviews I do have to set them up in a way that I know when I plan to read them so I can get my review up in a timely manner.

    However, despite having a to read list, I usually like to choose on whim. I may be in a certain frame of mind and want something similar or different to what I just finished.

  11. I am a mood reader. I have the be in the right mood for certain books, so it makes it hard to plan. I suppose to plan to some extent since I have netgalley and have to read those books at some point!

  12. I am pretty much the same- I only plan when it comes to review books. But I don’t even plan-plan, it’s just more like, “okay I need to read this book by this date”, and whenever that happens, cool. I used to read review books WAY too far in advance, so now I have tempered that a bit, and only read the month before. So, I read all my December books this month, and now am like “hmmm what do I read now?” hahha.

  13. Plan?? What’s that then?!
    I do have my ARCs listed by due date in a blank blog post so I can see at least what I should be panicking about not having yet read. My problem is that I can waste hours creating intricate plans and future diaries which then leave me no time for the actual reading/blogging. I’ve found winging it is ultimately more efficient – but I do miss buying all the pretty stationery 😉

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  14. I do plan ahead. It just helps me to jot down the books that come to mind but I can’t read right away so I write them down for the next month for instance. Or for December I’m going to try and read some of my more christmassy books I have on the shelves. (Since reading them in the summer would just feel weird). I like it. It works for me.

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  15. Do I Plan?? I’m a planning junkie. I’m now planning my 2019 Bullet Journal in my current 2018 bullet journal. when someone plans a planner you know there is something wrong there LOL
    I use Goodreads shelves to organize all my books. The ones I already read, and will read. I already created all my 2019 shelves 🙂
    Do I follow my plans HELL NO. I’m a disaster. LOL But I still plan like a manic XD
    Loving all these posts about organization and blogging Lauren!

  16. If I have arc’s then obviously they come first. I set the month up with those in mind but after that it’s whatever catches my eye.

    It’s very difficult for me to read according to a schedule. My mood changes too much.

    I’m almost defiant about it. If I’m supposed to read it then I don’t want to lol

    Karen @ For What It’s Worth

  17. It’s funny because I’m all about planning in my life, but when it comes to books… I’m just the BIGGEST mood reader. I used to do monthly TBR’s, but lately I decided to just give in to my mood and most of the time it works for me. Makes me feel less stressed about reading and keeps it fun. Though I’m still itching to make my lists and set up a reading schedule too, haha 🙂

  18. I’m usually pretty basic when it comes to planning my reads – I just read my most upcoming review book first and go from there but this year has been a little different. I joined the AusYABloggers Reading Challenge and that has four prompts each month, so I’ve been trying to plan ahead and read books for each prompt. I usually try and pick a review book that suits, or a book that I own. Though sometimes I have had to purchase ones or get ones from the library, haha.

    Next year I want to decrease my review requests even more (though I did do a good job of that this year!), and the reading challenge is only going to have two prompts per month to make it easier. I really do want to start reading all the books I own so that I know which ones I want to keep and which ones can be sold or given away. Let’s hope it works, haha. I also want time to re-read favourites!

  19. This is such an interesting topic! I don’t plan ahead too much – I do have a sort of planning when I have ARCs to read and always try to get to them in order to be able to review them in a timely manner, but otherwise it’s all mood reading with the books I have at my disposal at home haha 🙂

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