So I’ve been sick this past week which is why there have been very few posts here or on Let’s Get Beyond Tolerance. I do have a few things lined up for both sites though and will try and post a bit more regularly next week.
I have been trying to keep up on the TLC Auctions though and you can find two new ones posted today, not to mention the other two still going on. But be quick…they start ending tonight! Some bigger items will start appearing now…so be sure to follow, even if you aren’t sure you want to bid!
Next…are you a student of some sort? You might apply for the Living Beyond Tolerance scholarship I’ve set up. It’s very informal. I just want the winner to use it for education of some sort. You have to write an essay to enter but the winner gets $200 automatically. There will be November auctions in hopes of raising more than that though so the winner is supported for the good they do. Do you classify as LGBT or an Ally? Do you know someone who is? Tell them to check this out!
TLC Auctions is such a wonderful site – I truly commend you for having thought it up! 🙂