Show Us Your Books (Feb. 2022): The Books I Can Talk About…

Posted February 8, 2022 by shooting in Book Review / 15 Comments

Second Tuesday of the month and time for Show Us Your Books with Jana and Steph. Care to join?

I actually can’t share much about most of the books I’m reading, because they are for the Cybil’s Awards (I’m helping judge the YA Fiction category) and the winners aren’t announced until Valentine’s Day. I’ll have a lot more to share next month! However, I do want to share some quick reviews of books I can talk about! (all Bookshop links are affiliate links; I get a small % at no extra cost to you).

Ripped Away was released today, and I was sent a copy from the author to review. It’s upper-MG/YA and I really enjoyed it. It’s a quick read about a boy named Abe Pearlman who ends up in Victorian London. He has to fulfill a fortune teller’s prophecy to get home, but it’s proving tough! The book takes place during the Jack the Ripper murders. It’s not full of gratuitous violence, and it treats the victims with kindness and compassion. I loved that Vernick focused on the Jewish population at the time, and how they are often unspoken villains. People were quick to point to them as being Jack and they were often harassed, and even arrested during this time. Very well-written, and one that I would recommend.


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Krampus by Brom is one that I read over the holidays. It’s not for the faint of heart, as it can definitely be intense and bloody. I loved learning more about the character of Krampus though, and each chapter begins with a black and white illustration done by Brom himself!

Buy a copy now


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I love the band McFly, so I’m glad I finally made the time to read their memoir. I loved how they all told their stories, and I would definitely read a follow up if they ever wrote an updated memoir in the future. I do recommend if you’re a fan of McFly. They’re one of my favorite bands. I love that they were so open and honest. They all had their difficulties, and I appreciate them sharing their hearts with their fans.

  • It doesn’t look like Bookshop has it, but I got mine from The Book Depository

What have you been reading? 

15 responses to “Show Us Your Books (Feb. 2022): The Books I Can Talk About…

  1. OMG I can’t believe you love McFly! I used to love them when they first came out, they seemed so cool and I have one friend who went to see them in concert and I was so jealous. They feel off my radar as I got older but from what I’ve seen of them since those guys went through a lot.

    Becky @ A Fool's Ingenuity recently posted: Sunday Summary 06/02/2022
  2. Ooh that is so exciting that you get to judge some book awards, how cool! I can’t wait to hear more. I’ve never heard of McFly – I felt old because the first thing I thought of when I saw that title was Back to the Future, ha!

    Shea recently posted: January Reading Recap

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