Flawd by Emily-Anne Rigal, Founder of We Stop Hate

Posted October 26, 2015 by shooting in Uncategorized / 14 Comments

Flawd: How to Stop Hating on Yourself, Others, and the Things that Make you Who You Are by Emily-Anne Rigal, with Jeanne Demers

Visit the Flawd Website for more information 

Review by Lauren

source: copy sent for review; all opinions are my own

Official Summary: FLAWD is your new cheerleader—an energetic guide to seeing your flaws as the doorway to something more.

Through dynamic stories and advice from teens and celebrities around the world, FLAWD will help you to:
·       SEE yourself as perfectly imperfect.
·       TREAT life as playfully as possible.
·       THINK about what really matters.
·       EMBRACE all that makes you, YOU.
·       UNDERSTAND influence and how to use it.
·       KNOW you can be part of a flawd and powerful transformation.

Review: I love the idea behind this book! It’s written by Rigal, who created We Stop Hate, as well as Jeanne Demers, who helped contribute ideas and illustrations. I think this is the type of book that everyone in middle and high school should be given a copy of when school starts. It’s goal is to help you embrace your flaws so you don’t use them to hide from life or to bully others.

Rigal is open and honest about how she was bullied and then when she went to a new school, she started to become the bully. This is a common phenomenon, and no matter what side of bullying you are on (the bully or the bullied), we all know that this needs to end. Everyone is unique in their own way and if you don’t like someone else, then fine, but you shouldn’t try and break them down to make yourself feel better.


I really liked the fun illustrations throughout that help to pinpoint some main points, like How you see yourself…is how you see…everything. Interesting to think about, isn’t it? It’s not normally something people tend to consider. We’re so quick to point out our flaws and see ourselves as not good enough, but do we realize that just clouds how we see the rest of the world and those around us? People often say bullies are really just insecure about themselves, and I think in a lot of ways, that does turn out to be true. It’s something to consider at least!

This is a great message for everyone, but it’s especially good for tweens and teens so if you have one of those in your life, pass this along! 

14 responses to “Flawd by Emily-Anne Rigal, Founder of We Stop Hate

  1. Awk this sounds really uplifting!! I think it's weird, but I guess it's human nature to gravitate towards the negatives??? But doesn't mean we can't train ourselves to be encouraging instead. *nods* So glad this was a great read!!

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