Hey friends! If you follow me on Instagram, then you might have seen that I’ve been sick. As you can see from my heading – I do not have Covid-19, but I did have to get tested for it.
I don't have Covid-19, but...#ontheblog #covid19 Share on XI Don’t Have Covid-19…but…
About a week and a half ago, I started having trouble sleeping because the right side of my body was hurting. It started to get a lot worse the night of Friday, May 1. We called the doctor on call but they recommended that I try and make it through the night at home, if I could, because I’d be alone in the emergency room (family can’t come with you).
Thankfully, I got through to Saturday but then I went to Urgent Care. There’s a tent outside so nurses can come up to your car and give you a mask, check your temperature, etc. After that, we drove into the parking lot area – away from other cars – and another nurse came up to check my breathing and ask me questions. This is when I had to get the Covid-19 test. They felt like it wasn’t that, but my main symptoms were a pain in my chest (right side) and side, right under where your bra strap would sit (again, right side). I had trouble breathing if I moved too much or bent over, etc. So basically, it was a good precaution!
What’s the Covid-19 Test Like?
Yeah, it’s not fun. Mine was taken by a nurse as I sat in the front seat of the car. They took a swab and put it up my right nostril, quite far I might add, and then moved it around for five seconds. My mom said it really did go quick, but it feels a bit longer when it happens to you. I wasn’t in too much pain, but my eyes did immediately tear up. Before the swab, the nurse gave me tissues because people’s noses tend to bleed a lot. I didn’t bleed too much, but I did have a lot of blood in my nose for the next few days so I think that’s from the swab agitating the inside of my nose.
What the heck is pleurisy?
Saturday, May 2 was probably my worst day. I was just miserable and in a lot of pain. It was hard to get comfortable, and I couldn’t lay flat on my back without the pain getting worse and it being tough to breath. I found out on Tuesday that my Covid-19 test was negative, which I was really happy about. Of course, we still didn’t know what was going on with me. I had an inhaler just in case, and I was on antibiotics, but luckily, I was able to visit my primary care doctor on Wednesday. She heard something in my lungs when she listened, so I went to another building to do a chest x-ray. She thought it could be pleurisy, but they also wanted to make sure it wasn’t walking pneumonia or anything else.
And yes, it was pleurisy! But what the heck is that?! I’d never heard of it before, so let’s break it down real quick (AKA taking the information from the Cleveland Clinic):
The pleura is the thin membrane that lines the outside of the lungs and the inside of the chest cavity. Pleurisy is an inflammation (swelling or irritation) of these two layers of tissue.
The pleural space is a thin area between the chest lining and the membrane that lines the lungs. Fluid lubricates the layers of the pleura so they slide smoothly alongside each other when you breathe. When the membranes become inflamed, they rub painfully against each other instead.
Pleurisy can cause sharp or stabbing chest pain and shortness of breath. It is also called pleuritis.
Sounds like fun, doesn’t it? By this time, I wasn’t in as much pain as I’d been the weekend before, but it was still good to have a diagnosis. I was put on steroids and things seemed to be getting better. Saturday, May 9, though, I started noticing that I was getting really tired again and just not feeling terribly comfortable. Sunday, May 10, I started having more pain in my right side and a bit in my chest. Definitely not as bad as it was, but I plan to contact my doctor just to make sure I don’t need anything else – or should be doing anything else – as I certainly don’t want the pain to get that bad again!
It’s Been a Weird Couple Weeks
So that’s what is going on with me! I think it’s quite ironic that I get diagnosed with something respiratory related when a respiratory disease like Covid-19 is running rampant. Thank goodness it wasn’t Covid though since the people I live with are all pretty high risk in one way or another. I definitely do not want to take the Covid-19 test again though, so hopefully this will be my last bought of lung issues.
Thanks for reading! If you have any questions about the test, or my symptoms, let me know! Also, if you use Pinterest, please think about pinning my Covid-19 test image!
So glad to hear you are ok now. Hopefully this week will be good for you.
Whew. Thank goodness you don’t have COVID-19, but pluerisy doesn’t sound asy either. I hope you’re well on your way to recovery.
I’m glad you’re feeling better and you didn’t have Covid-19. Thank you for explaining what Pleurisy is. I had no idea. Sorry you had to deal with it.
I am so glad that you didn’t test positive! The test is one that I keep hearing is quite difficult to take and I appreciate reading your experiences to better understand it. 🙂
I’m glad you don’t have Covid! Hope you’re fully recovered soon.
My mum (a nurse) said if the swab they take for the test doesn’t hurt they’re not doing it right!
So glad it wasnt COVID – but pleurisy is PAINFULLLL… my hubs has had it before & he thought he was having a heart attack. He can withstand pain so much too & that kept him down for awhile!
Glad you were tested though
I wonder how you got that! It sounds a bit like Covid, with it coming back and all. I hope you’re ok!
I’m glad you were able to get tested and make sure you got a proper diagnosis. Thanks for sharing about your experience!
I’m happy to hear you don’t have Covid-19, but sorry you’re dealing with other lung issues. I hope you get back to 100% soon! Take care, Lauren! 🙂
Thank goodness it wasn’t COVID but pleurisy doesn’t sound all that great, either! I certainly hope you see some real improvement this week, Lauren!
Yikes! That is quite the ordeal. I hope you start to feel better soon!
It’s very scary getting sick right now. I have mild asthma and have been having bad allergies out here so I was feeling sick last week. No big deal but then I was dizzy and had chills. I realized my ears were blocked up (something that happens to me) so I worked on that and feel better but yeah – you just don’t know.
I hope you get a good diagnoses soon if this keeps happening to you. Yay it’s not COVID but this sound pretty uncomfortable an scary too.
Karen @ For What It’s Worth
I’m relieved to hear that you don’t have COVID-19! I’m sorry to hear about pleurisy though, and I hope you recover quickly! Feel better soon!
Pleurisy sucks. I’ve personally never had it but I know seniors have it quite often and watching them suffer is just awful. Good thing you were treated because I think that can get significantly worse if you don’t!
Glad you didn’t have covid-19 and that you are feeling better.
So grateful you didn’t test positive! Hoping you’ll feel all better very soon. I pinned that image – I hope it gets lots of likes!
I am glad corona didn’t get you, but I hope you are resting and taking care of yourself, because pleurisy doesn’t sound great either.
That’s excellent news!!! Although sounds like you’ve been through the ringer. Pleurisy does not sound fun for sure! Hope you feel better every day and are not in too much pain.
I’ve heard the Covid tests are not fun. Ugh everything about this pandemic sucks, it’s unreal.
Take care and be well this week!
I’m really glad to hear it wasn’t COVID-19 but I hope you’re feeling better today. I’ve never had pleurisy but I’ve heard it’s painful.
I’m so glad you don’t have it! Feel better and stay safe!
So glad you don’t have Covid 19, but scary to get another respiratory illness at the same time. And that test is so unpleasant looking. I hope you are continuing to get better.
Pleurisy is miserable! I am so sorry. Glad it isn’t covid and I hope you can get better and soon 🙂
Glad to hear you didn’t get COVID-19, but sounds like Pleurisy is no fun either! And that test sounds painful, I know someone else who had to take it and said she cried afterwards, just as a reflex, so that sucks. Hope you’re doing better by now!
I was wondering what in the heck was going on, and saw the update on the ‘gram. My goodness, the pain you must have been in! I’m so glad that you’re on the mend, but I sure hope you get to feeling 100% soon. Someone sent me a pic of that test, and I was like there was no way, just let me die!(lol) But I ended up having to get it myself, and found out I had a really bad sinus infection and NOT Covid, thank goodness! Feel better soon! Sending lots of healing hugs your way! RO
Thanks, Ro. I’m still in some pain, but definitely not as bad as earlier in the month. Still chugging along. LOL ooh sorry you had to get the Covid test too. It’s not fun!! I’m glad it wasn’t positive though.
Holy CRAP I missed your Insta posts I am SO glad you don’t have COVID but also very sorry that you were so sick! Pleurisy is like, one of those diseases I always associate with rudely killing old-timey folks like Ben Franklin, so I did a double take! I am so glad you are doing better, but that experience does NOT sound fun. Definitely take care of yourself, sending you all the love ♥♥
Thanks, Shannon! It has not been fun…but I’m slowly feeling better. Still not totally pain-free.
Happy to hear you’re okay and didn’t get COVID-19! I hope you’re taking care of yourself because that doesn’t sound like fun AT ALL.
Oh my goodness!! I’m so glad you didn’t have COVID, but yeah… what timing for something like this! I hope you’re feeling much better now! <3 <3
Well, I’m super glad it wasn’t Covid! But pleurisy also sucks big time! I’m glad to hear you’re on the mend.
The Covid test sounds pretty evil though. Don’t think I particularly want that so fingers crossed I don’t need one! :/