The Demon’s Lexicon by Sarah Rees Brennan
Summary: I can’t find one for this book and I don’t know why! Well, not an official one at least…but it’s amazing. Two brothers on the run. Alan wants to keep his mum safe, but Nick could care less and knows she’s the reason they are running in the first place and why his dad had to die. Two friends, Mae and Jamie, get wrapped up their world as they all try to stay hidden from the magician’s and the demons they have summoned to get them.
That’s all I can think to say at the moment but OMG, this book is amazing. I’m almost finished and will have a full review up in a few days at least (I’m hoping, as I have a few older reviews I need to get posted too). Anyway, now it’s time for you to win a copy.
Thank you to Sarah for sending me a copy to read/review and giveaway in honor of the YA Book Carnival and I think it’s fitting she’s last to go! I hope you all enjoyed the carnival and thanks for all the new followers. I hope to see you around. On non-contest posts, I LOVE to comment back so keep checking and talking. 🙂
To Enter: Who is your favorite villian of all time? (from books, movies, TV, etc.)
Open To: U.S. Only
Ends: August 31 (you have plenty of time, so please enter and spread the word)
yes, this was extended!
Prize: One Signed FINISHED copy of The Demon’s Lexicon
If You Don’t Win: BUY THE BOOK! You won’t regret it.
Another Chance to Win
–Go Here to enter Sarah’s contest for a copy and some swag. If you say you are from the YA Book Carnival, you get two entries so double your chances to win this amazing book (and I’m not even finished…but believe me, I’m loving it)
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That means if you do everything to enter, you should have THREE comments. Please do this or I might miss an entry.
Favorite villian?
The first thing I thought of was Freddy Krueger
I guess because he used to scare the living crap out of me. Him and Chucky. Ick!
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Sure, why not, I'll sign up. 🙂 Favorite villain…probably Bellatrix LeStrange from Harry Potter. I know, that's not real original, but man she was scarier than Voldemort!
The guy with no eyebrows from Lost Highway rocked, too.
I'm already a follower. 🙂 Thanks again!
Favorite villain of all time….Madam DeFarge from A Tale of Two Cities. She just never fails to creep me out with her ceaseless knitting and her quest for vengeance.
I'm also a follower!
I'm totally starting a giveaway for this same book, signed!! What a small world. Starts Monday. Every comment is an entry to win!!
My Fave Villian???
Drusilla From Buffy… She Was So Crazy But I Felt Sooooo Sorry for Her.. I Couldn't Hate Her..
And I already Follow You
Oh my. Let me try to rake through my brain for that.
Tyki from D.Gray-Man. He's awesome. : ) It's a manga series!
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And I Posted This On My Blog Here
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The carnival was a great idea. Thanks! My fave villain is Spike!
+ 1 follower
Oh, I am definitely entering this contest for sure. My favorite villain of all time is still Iago from Shakespeare's Othello, which I read in 9th grade. He so perfectly manipulates Othello and the others into their downfall that it's incredible, even if he IS the bad guy!
stephxsu at gmail dot com
I follow you, of course!
And I've linked to this contest in my sidebar. Thanks, Lauren!
My favorite villain would be The Joker, from the comics and the movie.
Great contest too. I hear TDL is amazing.
Mik @ I Am Nonfiction
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my all time fave villain is "he who must not be named".
My favorite villian is James from Twilight.
He's pretty hot. lol.
+1 I'm following your blog~
I would have to say the Nazgul from The Lord of the Rings. Although they were servants of Sauron, they frightened me more than Sauron.
Dr. Evil 🙂
My immediate thoughts were split when I read "favorite villain." Hans Gruber from the original Die Hard movie and Severus Snape from the Harry Potter books popped into my mind at almost exactly the same time. Obviously this means that Alan Rickman (the actor who plays both in the movies) is my favorite villain of all time. I think it's something about the voice…
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fave villain is Voldemort
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
My favorite villian – the first one to come to mind is The Wicked Witch of the West. She totally freaked me out when I was a kid. And her flying monkeys. Yikes!
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My favorite villain is Captain Barbosa from The Pirates of the Caribbean movies.
Margay1122 (at) aol (dot) com
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My all time favorite villian would have to be the Joker..
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My favorite villain (actually the villainess I love the hate) Bellatrix LeStrange, she reeks havoc where ever she goes.
Please count me in!
I'm all up for this one! Email's in my profile.
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I'll be posting this in my sidebar and I'll include it in my Sunday Contest Slurry.
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Dottie 🙂
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Dottie 🙂
All time favorite villian has to be Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. He's sexy and british and a vampire and evil and awesome. Drusilla's cool too.
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Gotta go with the classic villain, Sauron.
This looks like a good book, please enter me into this drawing.
Thanks for hosting this giveaway.
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Thanks for hosting this giveaway.
This looks great! Please enter me!
Definitely Hannibal Lecter!
BookcrossingKitten22 AT gmail DOT com
I'm a subscriber (through Google Reader).
BookcrossingKitten22 AT gmail DOT com
I have a tye between Hannibal Lechter and The Joker played by Heath Ledger!
My favorite villain would have to be…Sweeny Todd. If that counts. I'm a huge Tim Butron and Johnny Depp fan!
Thanks for holding this contest, this book looks great!
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I've also blogged about this giveaway here.
Great contest! I'm already a follower!
My favorite villian is probably Galbatorix from the Inheritance/Eragon cycle. I love that series.
My favorite villian of all time is without a doubt Jafar, from Disney's Aladdin!
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My favorite villain is Darth Vader.
monie at readingwithmonie dot com
My favorite villan — Spike from Buffy 🙂
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The Joker from BatMan
Blog follower
My favorite villain is The Other Mother from Coraline. She freaked me out so much with her soul sucking ways and button eyes!
Also, I am following you.
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And my favorite villian would be Micheal Deveraux from the series Wicked by Nancy Holder and Debbie Viguie.
There were so many times when I wished I could kill him.
Thanks for the contest!
Ooh, I'd love to win this! If I enter enough contests, I'm bound win something, right?
Fave villain of all time: the Troll Queen from East by Edith Pattou or the Witch King from LOTR.
zombiegirrrl21 (at) aol (dot) com
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zombiegirrrl21 (at) aol (dot) com
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zombiegirrrl21 (at) aol (dot) com
No need to enter me; just posted this on Win A Book.
We really want to win this! For villains, you can't really beat Cruella.
Beth & Nathan
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Beth & Nathan
Magneto from the X-Men comic books is my favorite villain. dasuzuki at yahoo dot com
I'm already a follower. dasuzuki at yahoo dot com
Villain and hero in one, Marius de Romanus!
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My favorite villian of all time is Darth Vader.
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Favorite villian is Bram Stroker's Dracula (played by Gary Oldman!)
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My favorite villain is the Joker.
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Favorite Villan of all time James from Twilight.
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My favorite villain has to be…… David from the Lost Boys.
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redleocat at yahoo dot com
blogged in sidebar
redleocat at yahoo dot com
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A villian? I really loved Irial from Ink Exchange.
But from all times would have to be Jocker!
Tough question…
I've been debating between Dolores Umbridge, Sunlight Gardener, and IT.
I have to go with IT because I hate clowns so much/that book is incredible.
So, IT from Stephen King's IT.
My favorite villan is Scar from The Lion King. lol. yeah, go figure. Don't ya just love to hate him.
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My favorite villian of all time is Voldemort because when I was 13 and reading HP & GoF I stayed up all night to finish the book and because I was too scared to go to sleep. No other villian has ever kept me up.
Sara M
silentalibis AT yahoo DOT com
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Sara M
silentalibis AT yahoo DOT com
Favorite villain is The Vampire Lestat…
kherbrand at comcast dot net
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kherbrand at comcast dot net
Favorite villian would probably be Darth Vader.
I follow your blog via GoogleReader
I posted about this giveaway on my blog's sidebar.
The Joker definitely.
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My favorite villain is Benjamin Linus from the TV show Lost. He is so darned creepy!
I'm also a follower! Thanks for the great giveaway!
My favorite villan has got to be Voldemort from Harry Potter, loved him!
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My favorite villian in the books is Trent in Kim Harrison's Hollow series. And Darth Vader in the movies.
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I've got this contest up on my blog here:
My favorite would have to be Akasha (Aaliyah) from Queen of the Damned. She was so gorgeous, and the fact that she made out with the gorgeous Stuart Townsend in that movie, made me love to hate her even more!
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I actually have never though of who my favorite villian is so this is kind of hard….mmmm… i would have to say Valentine from the moral instruments.
My fave villain of all time Mrs. Hannigan from Annie! She's not a technical villain, but she's pretty darn evil. Not to mention hilarious. If I could play any part in a play I would pick that role!
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I blogged about the contest here:
My fav villan is poison ivy from and old batman movie!
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(I would give the link but my account is private so nobody would see it anyway)
(I know you probably meant on my blog or whatever but i only signed up today and dont know how to do anything)
I would love to win this thanks!
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I think my favorite bad guy might have to be Randall Flagg in The Stand.
nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com
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nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com
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Mandy K,
Cruella De Vel cause shes got an awesome name, an awesome song and awesome hair =)
Mandy K,
Favorite villain is Voldemort, hands down. He's just so creepy and he keeps on coming back. Plus he has a thing for snakes.
Bellatrix LeStrange, book version, because the movies don't do her justice.
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My favorite villain is Sherlock Holmes' nemesis, Dr. Moriarty.
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My favorite villain is Archie Costello from The Chocolate War.
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Shawna Lewis
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Shawna Lewis
Told all my friends on Goodreads about your blog
Shawna Lewis
My favorite villian Harry Potter's Professor Snape now he was wicked bad
My favorite villain is definitely Voldemort!
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paradoxrevealed (at) aim (dot) com
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My favorite villain of all time would probably be Circe in A Great and Terrible Beauty.
🙂 Erica
My favorite villain of all time would probably be Circe in A Great and Terrible Beauty.
🙂 Erica
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I would love to read this.
cindyc725 at gmail dot com
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cindyc725 at gmail dot com
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cindyc725 at gmail dot com
My favorite villain would have to be Lilith from the TV show Supernatural!
Thanks for the contest!
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