Read the Alphabet: Gotham High + Happyface

Posted April 29, 2020 by shooting in Book Review / 23 Comments

Happy Wednesday, everyone! I’m here today to share a couple books I read this month for the Read the Alphabet Challenge. Our letters were G and H. I read some others as well, but you’ll see reviews for those next month!

Gotham High by Melissa de la Cruz, illustrated by Thomas Pitilli

source: copy from Karen at For What It’s Worth; all opinion are my own

Official Summary (add to Goodreads): Before they became Batman, Catwoman, and The Joker, Bruce, Selina, and Jack were high schoolers who would do whatever it took–even destroy the ones they love–to satisfy their own motives.

After being kicked out of his boarding school, 16-year-old Bruce Wayne returns to Gotham City to find that nothing is as he left it. What once was his family home is now an empty husk, lonely but haunted by the memory of his parents’ murder. Selina Kyle, once the innocent girl next door, now rules over Gotham High School with a dangerous flair, aided by the class clown, Jack Napier.

When a kidnapping rattles the school, Bruce seeks answers as the dark and troubled knight–but is he actually the pawn?

Review: Thanks to Karen for sending me a copy of Gotham High! I had this on my wish list to read, so I was really excited to check it out. This graphic novel follows Bruce, Selina, and Jack in high school before they eventually turn into Batman, Catwoman, and The Joker. First off, I thought the illustrations were great. They are bright and realistic, and I think they suit the superhero world well.

Reading the beginning of this book, I thought Bruce looked Asian, so it was a pleasant surprise to read that his mom is actually Asian. It’s a departure from the original tales, but I thought it was a really cool one. Why can’t we add some diversity to these predominately white characters?

While the book does follow Bruce a lot, Gotham High is actually narrated by Selina, which was kind of fun. I liked being in her head and seeing the world through her eyes. I will say that the overall mystery was a bit easy to guess, but it didn’t bother me. Since Gotham High is a graphic novel, it’s enjoyable to just read and see the illustrations, even if the mysteries were easily figured out. I would definitely read another book with these characters, so hopefully one is in the works!

Happyface by Stephen Emond

source: personal copy; all opinions are my own

Official Summary (add to Goodreads): Enter Happyface’s journal and get a peek into the life of a shy, artistic boy who decides to reinvent himself as a happy-go-lucky guy after he moves to a new town. See the world through his hilariously self-deprecating eyes as he learns to shed his comic-book-loving, computer-game playing ways. Join him as he makes new friends, tries to hide from his past, and ultimately learns to face the world with a genuine smile.

Review: Happyface is a book I’ve owned for years – I can’t even remember where I got it from. I’m really thankful that the Read the Alphabet challenge gave me a push to finally read it. Despite the book being called Happyface, it’s not all happy, all the time. The main character – who we only ever know by his nickname Happyface – is telling his story in a journal/sketchbook. He’s moved to a new place, and is now going to a new school, and he decides he doesn’t want to be the nerd that nobody really notices. He’s going to be Happyface!

I loved that the book really looks like Happyface’s sketchbook – you get lots of black and white illustrations among the story. It really brings the world of Happyface alive. Like I said above, not everything is happy in his world though. There is a bit of a mystery through a lot of the book – a mystery I didn’t even realize was there most of the time! I loved this though, because it does really hit you more, I think, when things are suddenly revealed.

Happyface has been through a lot, and I can understand him wanting to reinvent himself. He’s not perfect though. He does crazy things, he does mean things. He’s not always his best self, but that’s high school and being a teenager, right? He’s slowly figuring it out! I really loved this book. It made me happy, mad, sad. It goes through all the emotions for sure, but it’s one you won’t forget right away!

Two books with images - graphic novel Gotham High and illustrated book Happyface #bookbloggers #gothamhigh Click To Tweet

23 responses to “Read the Alphabet: Gotham High + Happyface

  1. Both of these sound like great books for right now. Gotham High sounds really fun, I like the slightly different take and age of the superheroes!

    • shooting

      *gasp* YOU MUST READ A GRAPHIC NOVEL! there are all types out there, for different ages, so if you need ideas, let me know.

    • shooting

      Yeah, I can see that. I enjoyed it for what it was, but the mysteries were pretty obvious. I liked the characters themselves and seeing teen versions of them.

  2. Lisa Mandina

    I’d never heard of Happyface, but it sounds good! I also am not a graphic novel reader, but Gotham High sounds like one I would enjoy. Great reviews!

  3. Jen

    These both sound really good! I have been able to catch up on a lot of reading these days and love these two books you shared! Thank you!

  4. Thanks so much for sharing! I haven’t heard of either of these books but Happyface in particular sounds very interesting. And I haven’t read a graphic novel in ages! Adding both to my must-read list! Hope you have a great weekend ahead ?

  5. I wonder if someone would write a Gotham Babies book. Remember how, in the 90s, all the series had a baby version? I admire you for this challenge, because it would take me forever to get through my ABCs. Not the alphabet. I mean, to the letter C.

    • shooting

      I feel like there is some version of Gotham Babies or Lil Gotham or something. I read it years ago.

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