Guest Post: T.M. Goeglein’s Playlist

Posted June 13, 2013 by shooting in Uncategorized / 15 Comments

Playlist Guest Post by T.M. Goeglein

Author of Cold Fury and Flicker and Burn (due out August 20th)

Music is an essential element of the writing process for me.
Working without it feels like being at a party without any other guests.

But like a good party, the musical guest list should be
eclectic, capable of evoking all sorts of emotions. Nothing’s worse, or more
boring, than a room full of the very same thing. That’s why my soundtrack
varies from book to book. Sometimes I’m all about Top 40 pop, sometimes good jazz
(yes, there is bad jazz,) and other times classic rock. Right now, while
editing the third and final book (untitled) in the COLD FURY trilogy, I’m
listening to a lot of everything, but here are five songs in rotation –

1.) Bob Marley – Three Little Birds

2.) Grizzly Bear – Two Weeks

3.) Frank Sinatra – Come Dance with Me

4.) Kings of Leon – Use Somebody

5.) Demi Lovato – Heart Attack

15 responses to “Guest Post: T.M. Goeglein’s Playlist

  1. It is always fun to see what music gave the author inspiration while writing and which songs remind them of their characters and scenes. 🙂

  2. Ahh I love playlists so much they're like getting to experience what the author was thinking when they were writing their books and it's just so fun to listen to the songs! I also love Heart Attack I think it's such a techy yet emotional song 🙂

  3. Strange how some prefer peace and quiet in which to write and yet others are inspired by music.

    Interesting and thought provoking post though I'm ashamed to say I know only one song on that list.

  4. Fun guest post! Music is a big part of my day too I HAVE to have it on while working if I want to be productive lol. I like country (country girl through and through) most but I really love everything from pop to rock, too!

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