From today until May 4th, it is Holocaust Remembrance Week. This was a horrific event in world history and we obviously wish that nothing like this will ever happen again. In honor of those that fought for the right, and those that lost their lives during WWII, I decided to make all my posts this week about these topics.
At the moment though, I would love to know what books dealing with WWII and the Holocaust that you have read and would recommend.
I had no idea it was Holocaust Remembrance Week, but I agree, it was such a horrific time that I hope the world never has to go through anything similar ever again. I'm looking nforward to your posts!
I want to the museum in DC and it was amazing and I will never forget it. If you ever get the chance to go be sure to do it.
I didn't know it was Holocaust Remembrance week, but I think it's good that such a thing exists. I think it's important we're reminded of it once in a while, to keep it from happening ever again.
Looking forward to your posts this week!
So intense, but important to remember so we don't repeat
What a great idea for a tribute!
I remember reading a bunch of books in high school about this time but sadly I can't remember all their names now. As an adult I did really enjoy Sarah's Key, the Book Thief, and The Boy in the Stripped Pajamas as well as Schindler's List.
I am sure I have more but those are the ones I am remembering most right now.
Oh, just thought of another one, The Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet took place in America during WWII and involves the Japanese being put into concentration camps here in the states. Very good book if you haven't read it.
What a great reminder for me. I really admire your throughtfulness, Lauren.
I look forward to reading all your upcoming posts for this week, such a great idea!
I would recommend Number the Stars, an older classic.
At the moment I can't think of a single book I've read that deals with WWII or the Holocaust. As many books as I've read I'm pretty sure I must have at some point though.
Thank you very much for the reminder! I look forward to seeing your related posts for the weeks. A few books I can think of are The Book Thief, Number the Stars, Once by Morris Gleitzman, and The Boy in the Striped Pajamas.
I have read and enjoyed quite a few, Anne Frank,Stones from the River, and The Secret Holocaust Diaries: The Untold Story of Nonna Banniste to name a few.
From the top of my head, The Diary of Anne Frank and Surviving the Angel of Death. Also Night by Elie Wiesel.
I have a hard time remembering what books I've read. But I have read a lot and quite a few had a strong impact on me as a kid and as a teen. It's so hard for me to imagine this is even possible to happen, but it did and we need to remember it always so it doesn't repeat.
I think this is a powerful subject to bring attention to on your blog!
I am so lacking in my Holocaust readings, I can really only think of The Book Thief, The Reader and Sarah's Key as books I've read that tackle the subject. I still haven't ever read Night or The Diary of Anne Frank (I know, I know, I'm not sure how I haven't!). I'm going to pick a book to read soon though, because I do think we need to learn from our pasts. The Nazis didn't just rise suddenly into power, a lot had to happen before their ideals dictated who was worthy and who was expendable. Recognizing the signs and events are vital to our present.
I admit I was oblivious to the fact that it is Holocaust Remembrance week… so it was a complete coincidence that I posted my review of The Book Thief at the start of it. I can't say how much that book meant to me and I do hope you find the time to read it someday, Lauren. Of course it's a very hard read, but also SO meaningful. I've just read your review for Hidden and that one sounds excellent, as well. Thank you for alerting me to this!
The Holocaust is definitely one of the most horrifying events in history. It is one we must never forget. Sadly, genocide is still happening to this day. It is sickening.