Hosting Blog Tours for LGBT+ Books

Posted April 27, 2016 by shooting in Uncategorized / 10 Comments


Hello everyone!!

I’ve been tweeting about this for a bit now but I know not all of you are on there, or even follow me (though if you want too – @shootingstarmag), so I thought I’d share this in a more prominent post here.

There a lot of blog tour companies out there, and I think it’s great. Authors and books need more love and a bit more push sometimes with so many titles coming out all the time. However, I am starting a blog tour company that focuses solely on LGBT+ books. These won’t all be YA titles, and they won’t all be Adult titles. I like to read a mix of LGBT+ books, so I want to do more of what I can to spread the word.

However, I need blogger help! Through Twitter, I’ve had a lot of people say they would wish to help, but I could always use more, especially before I start really spreading the word to authors. If you are interested, I just need your email. That’s it! You will get emails once I start working with authors. These emails will include details on the book and author and what we’re looking for – reviews, guest posts, social media help, etc. If you are interested in the book and helping out, you will just write me back and let me know what you want to do!

That’s it! Simple enough, right? So yes, please do let me know if you wish to be included on my blogger list. Also, I’d love it if you could spread the word to your fellow readers in case they want to help out!

Oh, and if any authors are reading this: get in touch if you have a future LGBT+ title that could use some help! I can’t promise to work with every author, but I will do my best!


10 responses to “Hosting Blog Tours for LGBT+ Books

  1. I am sure you will find plenty of willing bloggers. I would say I am on board, but I have some major things going on in my personal life right now, and I am not going to be as on the ball with blogging over the next couple of months 🙁

  2. Hey, Lauren! Feel free to add me to your list. I have to confess that I haven't been doing as many blog tours lately, so I can't guarantee how much I'll be able to participate, but I definitely do them occasionally and I'd love to help you get started with your new project!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  3. This sounds so cool and I would love to be added to your blogger list: tamaraniac {at} Though, I really only review YA books so it would be AWESOME if you would only email me about YA titles if at all possible. 🙂

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